Profiles - 40-49 yrs
John - Interview 31

John is a support worker, is single and has no children. Ethnic background' White Scottish.
Rachel - Interview 29

Rachel does voluntary work, is single and has one son who is 7. Ethnic Background' White British.
Graham - Interview 27

Graham works for 'HUG' (Highland User Group), is separated, and has a son. Ethnic Background' White British.
Colin - Interview 26

Colin is currently unemployed, living in a flat, is single with no children. Ethnic Background' White Scottish.
Cat - Interview 25
Cat is Unemployed, single and has no children. Ethnic background' White English.
Naveed - Interview 21
Naveed is a volunteer, and is married with two children. Ethnic background' British Pakistani.
Robert - Interview 19
Robert used to be a labourer, is living with his partner and had one child Ethnic background' White English
David - Interview 18

David is training to be a counsellor, is single and has one child. Ethnic background' White Irish.
Margaret - Interview 16

Margaret is a therapist, single and has no children. Ethnic background' White British.
Rachel - Interview 14

Rachel does voluntary work, is in a relationship, and has no children. Ethnic background' White British.
Kirsty - Interview 12

Kirsty is a volunteer with Rethink and a local housing organisation; she is single with no children. Ethnic background' White British.
William - Interview 10

William took medical retirement but does volunteer work for Rethink, is single and has no children. Ethnic Background' White British.
Pete - Interview 05

Pete works as a trainer and advocate. He is 48, White British, and lives with his partner in Sheffield. Pete has three children
Stuart - Interview 02

Stuart is a political activist/documentary photographer/writer. He lives with his partner. Ethnic background/nationality' White British