Using health experiences in teaching

teaching image
Teachers and lecturers all over the world use health experiences to help teach
medical students and medical education
allied health professionals 
humanities (psychology, sociology, anthropology)
personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education in schools
Why not use our resources in teaching? 
1)  We have over 30,000 video and audio clips of people sharing their experiences on a wide range of health conditions and social issues. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Email us to ask at: hexi@phc.ox.ac.uk.
2) The content is reliable: All of the content is based on academic qualitative research, from non-commercial funding sources. Copyrighted to the University of Oxford.
3) Learning improves with health experience videos: Research by Snow et al (2016)* showed that learners’ knowledge retention, confidence and exam results were much improved when our patient experience videos were included in their learning.
Would you like to use our health experience videos in teaching or in a presentation?
You can link to the website for free, but please credit: HEXI – Health Experience Insights © University of Oxford. All rights reserved.

Or if you would like to embed video directly into a presentation please contact us to find out how, please email hexi@phc.ox.ac.uk. There may be a small admin charge if you require a large volume of clips. 


All administration costs will go towards supporting the website. 
Our research and videos cannot be used for advertising or purely commercial purposes.

Do you have a subscription to the Dipex+ service?  

Subscriptions for content on Healthtalk.org are held with the DIPEx charity. HEXI - Health Experience Insights is an updated and refreshed site hosted by the Medical Sociology and Health Experiences Research Group in the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford. Existing and future modules are freely available for anyone to access on this website, without using a subscription.  


For queries about your existing DIPEx+ subscription, please contact DIPEx charity.  


Will I need a new subscription?  

HEXI - Health Experience Insights is hosted by the Medical Sociology and Health Experiences Research Group in the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford. All current and future modules will be freely available for anyone to access from this website without a subscription.  

*Rosamund Snow, Joanna Crocker, Katherine Talbot, Jane Moore & Helen Salisbury (2016) Does hearing the patient perspective improve consultation skills in examinations? An exploratory randomized controlled trial in medical undergraduate education, Medical Teacher, 38:12, 1229-1235, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2016.1210109