Life-changing injuries

Profiles - 3 – 10 years since injury


Sam works as a strategist for an advertising company. He is single. His ethnic background is Caucasian.


Jane currently works in retail and is single and lives with flatmates. She is from New Zealand, but decided to move to London after her brain injury. She describes her Ethnic Background as New Zealand/European.


Juri works as a support worker with disabled people. He is single and lives with flatmates. His ethnic background is White Italian.


Aiden is single and currently unemployed. Ethnic background' European.


Christopher is married and has three children aged, 14, 24 and 25. At the time of his injury he was the director of consultant surveyors firm. He has since left this job and is setting up his own consultancy service. Ethnic background' White/Caucasian.


Dave is a financial consultant. He is married. Ethnic background/nationality' White British.


Barrie volunteers at Headway and Age UK. He is single, lives alone and his ethnic background is White English.


Kenneth is a volunteer gardener. Before his traumatic brain injury he ran his own business. He is single and lives alone. Ethnic background' White/Gaelic/Scottish.


DJ is married to Amy (Interview 41). They have two grown up children, aged 35 and 40. He is a Christian overseas missionary and a motivational speaker. Ethnic background' White American.


Amy is married to DJ (Interview 40). They have two grown up children, aged 35 and 40. She is a researcher, conducts brain rehabilitation and is a Christian missionary. Ethnic background' White American.

Interview 07

At the time of publishing this website, this person was in the process of filing a compensation claim. We cannot display further information until the case has been resolved.

Interview 23

At the time of publishing this website, this person was in the process of filing a compensation claim. We cannot display further information until the case has been resolved.

Interview 24

At the time of publishing this website, this person was in the process of filing a compensation claim. We cannot display further information until the case has been resolved.