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DJ said he and his wife, Amy, married for life. They have conversations about and work on their relationship.
DJ said he and his wife, Amy, married for life. They have conversations about and work on their relationship.
Because to us when we got married we were married for life and that’s all there is to it. And so now it’s a matter of figuring out how to make it work and not every marriage has that. You know, they, they seem to think that there’s an escape clause somewhere, but we’ve never had that and, you know, we set down certain rules within the scope of our marriage to make sure that it never happens.
DJ says after brain injury your spouse will not be the same. You need to be sensitive and think about ways to make your marriage work.
DJ says after brain injury your spouse will not be the same. You need to be sensitive and think about ways to make your marriage work.
No I think the biggest thing is to realise that you don’t have the same person that you had. You don’t even have, I know you shouldn’t have to say that, because you’ll know that, you can tell by the way things are working in the house, but from there then you have to say, all right. How am I going to make this marriage continue? What do I have to do without compromising what I know is right and what my spouse knew was right before? How do I make sure we don’t compromise that? But how do I talk to them so that we can work through this? And the thing is that with anybody, but especially a person with a brain injury, once you realise you’re wrong, whether you admit it or not, once you can realise you’re wrong, then you can start to make adjustments. And I think probably the biggest thing with a spouse is that, this is where we have to be extremely careful, is that for instance if I was a spouse and I knew I wasn’t speaking right, and I’d made a decision not to speak wrong again, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to speak wrong. But if I told you that I’m not going to speak wrong, and now I’ve spoke wrong, your immediate reaction is, or the spouse’s immediate reaction is, “Why’d you do that? You said you weren’t going to.” So we have to be careful because they can’t always do what they know they should do. And they may have even made a decision to do it and not told you. But then if you criticise them, in a harsh way, their immediate reaction is don’t tell me what to do. So you, you, you have to learn the balance of trying to, don’t compromise what you know is right but how do we talk to the person, and you can have some serious fights, and we did. But I believe because we made it a conscious decision when we first got married we would never be separated.