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Sam used activities in which he could express himself to come to terms with being in hospital. He kept a diary, which he feels good about when he looks back on it.
Sam used activities in which he could express himself to come to terms with being in hospital. He kept a diary, which he feels good about when he looks back on it.
Sam is uncertain about the future but confident that he will walk again. This reassures him that the time spent recovering from spinal injury has not been wasted.
Sam is uncertain about the future but confident that he will walk again. This reassures him that the time spent recovering from spinal injury has not been wasted.
In terms of my accident you know, I follow all the scientific kind of publications of stuff relating to spinal cord injury. You know, I’m very confident it’s going to be, if not cured, then on the way to being cured within sort of five, six, seven years. And hopefully by then I’ll have enough money to not have to work for a while. And perhaps I have enough money now not to work for a while, but not to work for a long time and just enjoy being mobile again. I mean, you know, it’s just a question of working it out really. So that’s a nice thing to think about, but it’s also a kind of, it’s a frustrating thing to think about because you’re not quite sure what is going to happen, it’s kind of uncertain. And people tell you not to think about it. But I’ve always found that it’s really positive for me to think about it, because it encourages me to not think about this time as wasted. You know, every successful life has to involve periods of hard work and this is where it’s going to be for me. So I try and work hard, and you know, and still play hard as well, but you know, that’s the future is like getting my legs back and then continuing to live my life.
People may want to move away from London after injury but Sam thinks it's important to stay and keep existing support networks.
People may want to move away from London after injury but Sam thinks it's important to stay and keep existing support networks.
Sam's injury was caused when he was run over by a lorry, but he does not remember how it happened. He was resuscitated at the scene.
Sam's injury was caused when he was run over by a lorry, but he does not remember how it happened. He was resuscitated at the scene.
After discharge from rehab, Sam only wanted to go to accessible places. That has changed now. He can go anywhere because his friends carry him up and down stairs.
After discharge from rehab, Sam only wanted to go to accessible places. That has changed now. He can go anywhere because his friends carry him up and down stairs.
Sam felt a bit of a 'spectacle' on his first day back. His health wasn't great, but he dealt with all the problems he faced.
Sam felt a bit of a 'spectacle' on his first day back. His health wasn't great, but he dealt with all the problems he faced.
Even though his legs don't work, Sam doesn't feel disabled. He firmly believes there will be a cure for his paralysis in the future.
Even though his legs don't work, Sam doesn't feel disabled. He firmly believes there will be a cure for his paralysis in the future.
As a wheelchair user, Sam has found it extremely difficult to use the toilets on planes. He explains what his options are.
As a wheelchair user, Sam has found it extremely difficult to use the toilets on planes. He explains what his options are.
Sam thinks you have to see life after injury as a challenge and be comfortable with letting other people help you, so you can go where you want to go.
Sam thinks you have to see life after injury as a challenge and be comfortable with letting other people help you, so you can go where you want to go.
Sam said the tube has been around for such a long time that you can't expect it to be made to suit you.
Sam said the tube has been around for such a long time that you can't expect it to be made to suit you.
Sam was thinking about creating an app to provide parking information for each borough. He is frustrated because he thinks people abuse blue badges.
Sam was thinking about creating an app to provide parking information for each borough. He is frustrated because he thinks people abuse blue badges.
Dating was an important part of Sam's identity before his injury. Initially he worried about it, but when his confidence came back he had no problem meeting women.
Dating was an important part of Sam's identity before his injury. Initially he worried about it, but when his confidence came back he had no problem meeting women.
It is important to take control of your life again after injury and not to let other people make decisions for you.
It is important to take control of your life again after injury and not to let other people make decisions for you.
Sam says that 'there is nothing like an amazing doctor,' and they are the ones that everyone should aspire to be like.
Sam says that 'there is nothing like an amazing doctor,' and they are the ones that everyone should aspire to be like.
Sam always thinks of himself as being in a wheelchair, but other people have told him they often forget he uses one.
Sam always thinks of himself as being in a wheelchair, but other people have told him they often forget he uses one.
I do. I totally do all the time.
Sorry you totally do?
I do. I do think of myself as being in a wheelchair.
I think I could not think of that. I think of it all the time. You know, nobody doesn’t. But other people, I know this sounds like wishful thinking me saying what I want people to think, but I’ve just heard it too many times. Obviously when people first see you, strangers, people out and about, new people you meet, it’s the first thing they’re going to notice and they’re going to be intrigued and they’re going to want to know. But after a little bit, once you’ve kind of… Once they know, you know each other and you know, they have a sense of who you are, and you have a sense of who they are, I think you find that most people don’t even think about it. You know, I’ve lost track of the amount of times I go out to places and it’s like, “Oh shit, sorry, I didn’t even think of the fact you’re in a wheelchair. I don’t even think about that”, because you know, it’s always fine. So I think it’s good, but again sometimes you feel like people don’t understand. But I find, I think it’s quite good to feel like people aren’t making special allowances for you. That more than anything would kind of wind me up a little bit, you know. You know, because then you’re sort of taking away from what I’m trying to do which is to put in the effort to do something well.
His friends treat him as before, making jokes, which Sam likes because it’s nice for him not to feel delicate.
His friends treat him as before, making jokes, which Sam likes because it’s nice for him not to feel delicate.
Like my other friend I was slagging – I’m quite rude to people. I feel like if you’re rude then people trust what you’re saying because they know you’re being honest. And you know, you don’t be rude to be mean, you know, but it’s just something you see and it’s not necessarily a positive thing and of course I take the piss out of them for it. So I was slagging off my friend’s shoes and he was like, “Well your shoes are crap, they’re like, look how wide they are.” And my other friend was saying, “Oh there’s no point in having a go at anything about Sam, because he’ll just say it’s something to do with being in a wheelchair, and then you’ll be like, oh, sorry about that.”
And you know, you need to have that, because remember when I talked about losing your standards? Losing your like context for your behaviour? You need to have that with your friends. If you’re not capable of having that with people they’re not really your friends, you know? So I’ve got a wide and close group of friends. They can say anything to me. They’ve said some stuff that really pissed me off actually. But like that’s any friendship isn’t it? And that’s we’d be like that anywhere. And you’d rather people were being open.