He had a spinal cord injury.
At the time of publishing this website, this person was in the process of filing a compensation claim. We cannot display further information until the case has been resolved.
More about me...
He suspects his injury was caused by the epidural that was used to anaesthetise him for his knee surgery.

He suspects his injury was caused by the epidural that was used to anaesthetise him for his knee surgery.
Well I went into hospital in September. I was going to undergo a total knee replacement on the left knee. I had osteoarthritis in the knee, so I had no choice but to have this operation anyway. Anyway, they proceeded with the operation. After the operation I didn’t gain full movement of my legs, or my trunk – would be from your back round from your spine around to the trunk of your stomach – and I stayed in hospital for five months in which they was rehabilitating me.
John describes the medication he takes and its side effects. His GP can't change his medication for him, so he needs to discuss it with his consultant.

John describes the medication he takes and its side effects. His GP can't change his medication for him, so he needs to discuss it with his consultant.
John learned how to use his wheelchair with help from physiotherapists and by attending a course run by the Back Up Trust.

John learned how to use his wheelchair with help from physiotherapists and by attending a course run by the Back Up Trust.
They [rehabilitation staff] used to take me for wheelchair skills...You go for wheel chair skills up and down ramps to get you used to wheelchair friendly. We used to go round the block in the wheelchair on the hospital grounds. Then they used to get someone in from Back Up to come round to teach you how to get up small kerbs and things, which you’d have to bend right forward and get up the kerb – but it wasn’t too much of a kerb because I couldn’t do it – and go down backwards. So people can go down frontwards. I’m not so clever going down. I can wheel-balance in the wheelchair. But, I can tilt and balance in a chair without falling backwards. Because I’ve been on the wheelchair course and I was taught different techniques. Plus, I went into [rehabilitation hospital] and they taught me different techniques with wheelchairs and occupational therapy.
The DVLA withheld John's licence until his driving ability was assessed. His licence now indicates he is disabled and can drive only hand-controlled cars.

The DVLA withheld John's licence until his driving ability was assessed. His licence now indicates he is disabled and can drive only hand-controlled cars.
I went to a driving assessment in [place name], which Motability paid for me to go. I don’t know how much it cost, but they paid for it anyway. And I passed that assessment first time. And then they gave me my licence back, sent my licence back. I’ve got a disabled on my licence and I can only drive hand controlled vehicles. So that was a bonus and a big plus for me, because it gives me a bit more freedom to get around to shops and places. So, it changed my life a bit, although I haven’t used it. I’ve only done a hundred miles in it so far.
After his spinal injury John attended a course run by the Back-Up Trust on using a wheelchair. He has retaken his driving test and is now able to drive again.

After his spinal injury John attended a course run by the Back-Up Trust on using a wheelchair. He has retaken his driving test and is now able to drive again.
John was unable to travel on the bus twice because of a broken ramp, and a pram in the wheelchair area. He complained to Transport for London, but nothing was done.

John was unable to travel on the bus twice because of a broken ramp, and a pram in the wheelchair area. He complained to Transport for London, but nothing was done.
John slept in the living room for nearly two years and used a commode to go to the toilet until his house was made accessible.

John slept in the living room for nearly two years and used a commode to go to the toilet until his house was made accessible.
John's phone was stolen when he dropped it on the floor in a public toilet. Initially he thought the man who stole it was trying to help him.

John's phone was stolen when he dropped it on the floor in a public toilet. Initially he thought the man who stole it was trying to help him.
John has been left at the bus stop because ramps haven't worked or there was no room for him. One bus left him and drove off with his children on it.

John has been left at the bus stop because ramps haven't worked or there was no room for him. One bus left him and drove off with his children on it.