Life-changing injuries
Anne-Marie Boylan

Anne-Marie is a Qualitative Researcher in the Health Experiences Research Group, University of Oxford. Her background is in psychology and she obtained her PhD from Queen’s University Belfast. Her research interests include acquired disability, brain injury and children’s research.
Thank you to all those who took part in this research for sharing your experiences so openly.
Thanks to staff, members and patients at Headway, The Spinal Injuries Association, Brain and Spine Foundation, the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, the Limbless Association, and Aylesbury Community Head Injury Service for their help and support.
Special thanks to Catherine Bowden, Simon Brierley, Annie Clacey, Anne Curran, Sophie Duport, Emma Gale, Luke Griggs, Jess Moore, Sophie Pask, Nick Streeter, Trevor Sterling, Toni Tattersall and Giles Yeates.
And for all their expert help, Dr Sara Ryan, Dr Carol Dumelow and Dr Helen Salisbury.
Advisory Panel
Dr Ian Basnett
Director of Public Health, East London and the City
Professor Jenny Butler
Professor of Occupational Therapy, Oxford Brookes University
Simon Brierley
London Community Peer Support Officer, The Spinal Injuries Association
Annie Clacey
London Coordinator, Headway
Ivan Lewis Coker
Lay member and patient representative
Jenny Field
Deputy Chief Grants Officer, City Bridge Trust (Funder)
David Gurman
Lay member and patient representative
Rob Oakley
Head of Access, City of London
Dr Diane Plamping
Retired public health worker, who is a passionate advocate of public health services
Dr Sara Ryan
Senior Research Lead, Health Experiences Research Group, University of Oxford
Dr Helen Salisbury
GP and Medical Advisor, Health Experiences Research Group, University of Oxford
Dr Giles Yeates
Principal Clinical Neuropsychologist, Community Head Injury Service, Buckingham Healthcare NHS Trust
Supported by:
The City Bridge Trust
Grant holders:
Graham Shaw
Giles Yeates
Ann McPherson
Sue Ziebland
Sara Ryan
Anne-Marie Boylan