Sexual Health (young people)
Profiles - Men 22-25
Interview 10
Full-time student of Eastern European background. He participates in a gay support group run by the Terrence Higgins Trust.
Interview 22

A couple - An Australian student who says that he learned a lot about sexual health from reading his older sister's magazines. He cannot understand how guys with no sisters cope or where they get their information from.
Interview 29

Young gay man who works as a volunteer in a youth group project in the inner city. He plans to go to University and continue his studies.
Interview 36

Young father of a three-year-old son and a seven-month-old baby. He and his partner are not planning on having any more children. The first time he went to a Family Planning clinic he was sixteen.
Interview 37

He is a father of two who is in full-time work and his partner has recently finished studying. He describes himself of mixed black ethnicity.
Interview 40

Bangladeshi man who works full-time as a youth worker and lives with his parents. He thinks that free condoms are 'boring' and that the NHS should consult young people about it.