Drugs and Alcohol (young people)
Regular use of cannabis
Young people we talked to sometimes described themselves as ‘regular’ or ‘normal’ cannabis users; but the meaning of ‘regular’ use varies a great deal from one young person to another. Some said they’ll have a few puffs on a joint occasionally after dinner with friends, while others use it several times a week. ’Regular’ use often builds up over time and depends on being able to get hold of cannabis.
Peter started smoking cannabis more regularly when he was able to buy it from his cousin.
Peter started smoking cannabis more regularly when he was able to buy it from his cousin.
I mean I don’t know actually. I smoke it on my own now. Perhaps at that age it’s not the right thing. You’re very insecure with yourself as an adolescent.
Jen may have the odd puff if friends are lighting a joint but she doesn’t like the way weed makes her feel and doesn’t know how to get hold of it.
Jen may have the odd puff if friends are lighting a joint but she doesn’t like the way weed makes her feel and doesn’t know how to get hold of it.
So I’m quite happy with a glass of red wine and cigarettes.
Becoming a regular cannabis user
For some young people their use of cannabis depends on circumstances like the people they spend time with or having a place to smoke. As a teenager, Michelle smoked cannabis with her best friend and some older male friends. They went to friends’ houses whose parents allowed them to smoke cannabis.
Moving out of home and going to university, or moving in with friends, allows freedom to experiment. Joe said that he smoked cannabis most regularly when he was 19 and sharing a house with friends. Jen smoked ‘a bit’ of weed during her first year at university because that was what a lot of her friends did but now that she works full-time she doesn’t come across cannabis that often. Lauren drank alcohol and smoked cannabis every weekend with her school friends but not now that she is at university.
Lauren smoked cannabis every weekend with her school friend but her new group of friends don’t do drugs.
Lauren smoked cannabis every weekend with her school friend but her new group of friends don’t do drugs.
Joe mainly smoked cannabis at age nineteen after he moved out of his parents' house. He said that for about two years he was doing cannabis more often than drinking alcohol.
Joe mainly smoked cannabis at age nineteen after he moved out of his parents' house. He said that for about two years he was doing cannabis more often than drinking alcohol.
Yeah, about that. Smoked quite a lot when I was nineteen, once I’d moved out of home and moved into a flat with, with friends, and yeah I could smoke in, well I was smoking in my flat so I hadn’t done that at home, but there I felt I could so, probably had it more frequently and stopped smoking it when I was about nineteen, twenty suppose, yeah must have been about, just about twenty .
Young people stressed the social aspect of smoking cannabis, as something that it is done with friends for fun and relaxation. Peter doesn’t think people should use drugs when they’re on their own, particularly teenagers who are less secure about themselves.
Peter had bad experiences with alcohol and now prefers to smoke weed than drink alcohol, although he wonders whether he could find another way of taking cannabis without tobacco. Peter likes the way that smoking cannabis helps him think about problems.
Peter is programmer and says that smoking weed helps him to come up with solutions to technical problems at work.
Peter is programmer and says that smoking weed helps him to come up with solutions to technical problems at work.
In fact maybe I’d like to stop smoking, maybe I’d prefer another method of ingestion. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of a vaporiser. Perhaps I’d prefer to vaporise than smoke.
People who used cannabis regularly were quick to separate cannabis from the other, harder drugs like cocaine or heroin. Stephanie said that she has heard that cannabis can be damaging but she knows many people who use it without it being a problem. Some said they hadn’t heard of people having bad reactions to cannabis.
Sometimes, regular cannabis users experimented with other street drugs like ketamine, cocaine or ecstasy. Jen and Peter for instance, both said they had had a line of cocaine just once. Stephanie said that she never felt the need to try other drugs and, like Jen, was scared of the health consequences of drugs like cocaine. Kim has often been offered cocaine in clubs but wasn’t interested because it’s too addictive and expensive. Heroin was the drug that young people seem to be the most wary about.
Kim has smoked cannabis a few times but would never consider using other drugs. She is concerned about becoming addicted.
Kim has smoked cannabis a few times but would never consider using other drugs. She is concerned about becoming addicted.
Alex would never consider using heroin. One of his cousins was treated for heroin addiction.
Alex would never consider using heroin. One of his cousins was treated for heroin addiction.
Jamie uses cannabis occasionally when having a few drinks with friends. He says it is a good way of relaxing but he wouldn’t consider using it when sober.
Jamie uses cannabis occasionally when having a few drinks with friends. He says it is a good way of relaxing but he wouldn’t consider using it when sober.
Sam describes what it was like to be a heavy user of cannabis(Played by an actor).
Sam describes what it was like to be a heavy user of cannabis(Played by an actor).
Last updated: January 2015.
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