Jamie - Interview 21

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Schools should teach children about the consequences of getting drunk. He also thinks that the government should address the problem of the dangers of teenage binge drinking.
Jamie uses cannabis occasionally when having a few drinks with friends. He says it is a good way of relaxing but he wouldn’t consider using it when sober.
Jamie uses cannabis occasionally when having a few drinks with friends. He says it is a good way of relaxing but he wouldn’t consider using it when sober.
Jamie uses cannabis occasionally but is wary of paying for drugs, like ecstasy, that may have been mixed in with other substances.
Jamie uses cannabis occasionally but is wary of paying for drugs, like ecstasy, that may have been mixed in with other substances.
When Jamie was 10, his father told him about the experience of someone who’d had a 'bad' LSD trip. He thinks that young people need to hear such stories.
When Jamie was 10, his father told him about the experience of someone who’d had a 'bad' LSD trip. He thinks that young people need to hear such stories.
Jamie never saw the point of getting drunk in public places. He was 14 when he first tried alcohol and says he didn’t know how to handle it.
Jamie never saw the point of getting drunk in public places. He was 14 when he first tried alcohol and says he didn’t know how to handle it.
Jamie had a wild week in Ibiza after his A levels with a group of friends. He's amazed that they did not sustain more serious injuries.
Jamie had a wild week in Ibiza after his A levels with a group of friends. He's amazed that they did not sustain more serious injuries.
Yeah that week, that one week there were, there were a lot of people being ill, one of our friends fell down steps in a club and smashed his tooth out, one of his front teeth out, there were lots of those kind of scenarios happening where people were not in a good way through alcohol.
Jamie once woke up in bed next to a young woman but he'd been so drunk the night before that he had no idea whether they'd had sex.
Jamie once woke up in bed next to a young woman but he'd been so drunk the night before that he had no idea whether they'd had sex.
Jamie says a young man who gets drunk and has sex with a stranger risks getting a girl pregnant or sleeping with someone under-age.
Jamie says a young man who gets drunk and has sex with a stranger risks getting a girl pregnant or sleeping with someone under-age.
Or what if she got pregnant? And these are the, all the things that they don’t seem to think about.
Jamie turned down an offer of cocaine in a club toilet. He was in the RAF and did not want to...
Jamie turned down an offer of cocaine in a club toilet. He was in the RAF and did not want to...
Jamie avoids drinking late into the night these days because he doesn’t want to spend one of his precious weekend days feeling hungover.
Jamie avoids drinking late into the night these days because he doesn’t want to spend one of his precious weekend days feeling hungover.
Jamie thinks saying ‘no’ to drugs is OK because it means you’re happy with who you are. He uses cannabis but doesn’t consider this ‘drug-taking’.
Jamie thinks saying ‘no’ to drugs is OK because it means you’re happy with who you are. He uses cannabis but doesn’t consider this ‘drug-taking’.
Or do some exercises or something, get the endorphins flowing through your body and feel great about yourself, these mood changing drugs are a quick fix and normally from what I hear, the comedown of whatever it is takes you way beyond where you started anyway, so that quick fix might feel good but when you come right down you come right down and way below what you were before, so ultimately what is the point?