Jen - Interview 32

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Jen may have the odd puff if friends are lighting a joint but she doesn’t like the way weed makes her feel and doesn’t know how to get hold of it.
Jen may have the odd puff if friends are lighting a joint but she doesn’t like the way weed makes her feel and doesn’t know how to get hold of it.
So I’m quite happy with a glass of red wine and cigarettes.
Jen got information about drugs, alcohol and sex from a local Youth Fellowship group run by her local church and from school.
Jen got information about drugs, alcohol and sex from a local Youth Fellowship group run by her local church and from school.
I think it was just embarrassing for everyone as well to be honest with you. So I don’t think anyone really learned much from that now.
Jen explains that she's grown up and as a result changed her lifestyle.
Jen explains that she's grown up and as a result changed her lifestyle.
Jen says that she was 16 or 17 when she first started drinking alcohol. She had conflicting feelings about alcohol because it went against her family's beliefs.
Jen says that she was 16 or 17 when she first started drinking alcohol. She had conflicting feelings about alcohol because it went against her family's beliefs.
Yeah and alcohol was quite a kind of scary concept to me. I didn’t like the feeling of being drunk. I found it, I kind of was in a lot of conflict how I was feeling at that time with my family and all that sort of thing. So yes so I was quite a late starter
Jen has never taken ecstasy because watching a film about Leah Betts at school made her terrified of the possible consequences.
Jen has never taken ecstasy because watching a film about Leah Betts at school made her terrified of the possible consequences.
Yeah absolutely and you know if that happened to her then. And I think probably because you’d heard, you know, oh you should drink lots of water when you take pills and stuff. And I could easily imagine myself, you know, drinking too much water and you know. I could imagine the scenario so.
Jen grew up in a practising Christian family and felt bad about drinking alcohol. It created family tensions at the time but she now thinks that it was just a phase in her teens.
Jen grew up in a practising Christian family and felt bad about drinking alcohol. It created family tensions at the time but she now thinks that it was just a phase in her teens.
I think it hasn’t been detrimental at all like I don’t feel like I’ve missed out really like in the, like I really don’t feel like I’ve missed out. Like I did one line of coke once and I’m done. I’ve, I, you know, smoked weed and I don’t. I think that for me in my, at that I felt comfortable enough with that. And yeah I don’t feel I really don’t feel like I’ve missed out. I feel that. I was perhaps over cautious and I kind of did think to start with that you know if I did smoke weed then I might be a heroin addict. Now I see that’s totally not true. Like I just that I mean I don’t think the two are really connected to be honest with you. But yes I was over cautious but I don’t think it’s had any detrimental, I don’t regret any of that, no.
Jen says young people should only do what they feel comfortable with, in a safe environment.
Jen says young people should only do what they feel comfortable with, in a safe environment.
Just don’t feel pressured into anything. Because I think when you are younger it seems such a big deal and it seems like a really like, ‘Ah people will remember us forever or if I don’t do that or I don’t do this, and I’m so un-cool.’ And like now you look back and you’re like, ‘No’. And I like at the time you’d be just like, ‘Oh stop patronising me. That’s a really patronising thing to say. You don’t know what it’s like, you don’t know what it’s like to be me’. And I can totally take that point on but it really doesn’t matter what, like you should only ever do anything that you feel comfortable with and I think like teachers and parents and stuff really need to impart that on their children. That they should only be doing things that they feel comfortable with and that they feel in a safe environment and. And then if they want to talk about things then there are places that they can go and that there should be openness about these things.