Drugs and Alcohol (young people)
Dr Maria Salinas

Senior Qualitative Researcher
Dr Maria Salinas Is a social anthropologist. She has worked in health research, refugee studies and gender relations in the academic and voluntary sectors for the last ten years. She obtained her D.Phil from the University of Oxford in 2000.
Advisory Panel
Mr Richard Huggins
Associate Dean, Oxford Brookes University
Ms Polly Harrow
Head of Personalised Learning, Barnsley College
Dr Clare Gerada
Chair of Council RCGP and GP London
Ms Sarah Payne
Former Chief Executive YWCA England and Wales
Professor Ilana Crome
Professor of Addiction Psychiatry, Keele University
Mr Pete Weinstock
Senior Practitioner, Bristol Drug Project
Dr Kathy Hawley
Expert Patients Programme
Chloe Sullivan
Young Person Representative and Drug Awareness Tutor, In-volve Project
Dr Chris Kenyon
GP Oxfordshire PCT
Mr Stewart Killala
Alcohol and Drugs Programme, Health Improvement Directorate, Department of Health
Dr Aidan Macfarlane
Independent International Consultant in Strategic Planning Child and Adolescent Health Services
Ms Sue Ziebland
Director Health Experiences Research Group, Department of Primary Health Care, University of Oxford
Ulla Raisanen
Senior Qualitative Researcher, Health Experiences Research Group, Department of Primary Health Care, University of Oxford
Our special thanks go to all the young people who shared their stories with us and made this research possible. We also would like to thank Dr Kate Field for her help and support and Department of Health who funded this project.
Supported by:
Department of Health
Grant holders:
Sue Ziebland
Ann McPherson
Aidan Macfarlane