Interview 08

Age at interview: 19
Brief Outline: She describes her first sexual experience as a bit traumatic.
Background: Full-time university student who lives at home with her father. She prefers to use her GP for family planning.
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Describes her good sex education at school which included handling condoms and workshop activities.
Describes her good sex education at school which included handling condoms and workshop activities.
We had these personal and social education lessons once a week and it wouldn't always be about sexual health, it would be about sort of personal things, getting a job, things like that. And in every academic year in the school we would have covered it at least once a session about sexual health and we'd get leaflets and handouts about contraception, the risks and things like that.
We had quite detailed explanations about possible diseases that you could get and sometimes quite gory details, probably to scare you into using the contraception. I think they should try and cover the importance of a relationship. I don't think they are.
I think it might help people more because when you're going through that when you're young, it's the first time that you've been through it and sometimes you need someone to help you, also the information.