Screening for unrecognised heart valve disease
Profiles - Diagnosed with heart valve disease
Norman - Interview 01

Norman is a retired market researcher. He is married with three grown-up children. Ethnic background' White British.
Lech - Interview 03

Lech is a retired NHS salary and wages officer, originally from Poland. He has lived in Africa too, but has been in the UK over 30 years. He is separated and lives on his own. Ethnic Background/nationality' White Polish.
Cathy and Fraser - Interview 04

Cathy and Fraser are married with two grown-up children. Fraser is a retired scientist and Cathy is a retired teacher. Ethnic background/nationality' White British.
Brian - Interview 06

Brian is a retired college porter. He is married with 2 adult sons. Ethnic background/nationality' White English.
Ursula - Interview 10

Ursula is retired from her job as a vacuum operator with a car component manufacturing company. She is widowed with one adult daughter.
Pamela and Anthony - Interview 11

Pamela and Anthony are married and have 2 adult children. Anthony used to be a design engineer and Pamela worked in accounts for the NHS. Since retiring they have been running their own catering business together. Ethnic background/nationality' White English.
Peg and Roy - Interview 12

Peg and Roy are married and are both retired. Roy used to be a motor technician and Peg was a benefits manager. Ethnic background/nationality' White British.
Hugh - Interview 13

Hugh is a painter and decorator. He is married with 3 grown-up children. Ethnic background/nationality' White British.
Rene - Interview 15

Rene is a retired typist. She is widowed and has three grown-up children. Ethnic background' White British.
Chris - Interview 16

Chris is a retired book keeper. He is married and has five children aged between 23 and 44 years old. Ethnic background/nationality' British.