Screening for unrecognised heart valve disease

What is heart valve disease and why screening may help

Heart valve disease or valvular heart disease (VHD) is the name given to problems with one or more of the heart’s four valves. In a heart which is working normally, valves keep blood flowing in the right direction and entering or leaving the heart’s chambers only at the right time. Heart valve disease can develop before birth, in which case it is called ‘congenital’. It can also be caused by the effects of certain infections, such as rheumatic fever, or by age-related “wear and tear”. The four valves are called the mitral, tricuspid, aortic and pulmonic valves.

Jo d'Arcy, Clinical Research Fellow, explains that heart valve disease most often affects the mitral or aortic valve. It can cause either leaking or narrowing of the valve. This means the heart has to work harder.

Jo d'Arcy, Clinical Research Fellow, explains that heart valve disease most often affects the mitral or aortic valve. It can cause either leaking or narrowing of the valve. This means the heart has to work harder.


Valvular heart disease can affect any one of the heart’s four valves but it most commonly affects the two valves called the aortic valve and the mitral valve. It can cause one of two things on the whole. It can cause either leaking of the valve or it can cause narrowing of the valve. Both of these things make the heart work harder and make it less efficient. Over time that extra work for the heart can effectively tire the heart out and like any muscle which is working too hard over a long period of time it begins to work less efficiently and it begins to fail. So what we aim to do with the treatment of valve disease is to intervene before the heart muscle becomes too tired out and before that element of heart failure has occurred.

Narrowing of the valve means it does not open fully and so the blood cannot flow through properly: this is known as stenosis. The most common cause of valve stenosis in older people is a build-up of calcium. Calcium is a mineral present in the blood, and over time as blood flows through the valve, tiny amounts of calcium may start to build up. As a result, the valves become stiff and cannot open or close fully. This is quite normal and happens to most of us as we get older, to a greater or lesser degree.
If the valve does not close properly blood can leak backwards' this is known as regurgitation. This could happen for one of several reasons, including general wear and tear, an infection, a congenital problem, or damage from a previous heart attack.
Why might screening be important?
Symptoms of heart valve disease vary from person to person, and are usually not obvious until the disease is quite advanced and needs medical or surgical treatment. This means we do not know how many people are living with heart valve disease without realising they have it, or what happens to them in the longer term.

Heart valve disease is not well understood. We need to know more about whether we can identify and treat people before the heart becomes too damaged.

Heart valve disease is not well understood. We need to know more about whether we can identify and treat people before the heart becomes too damaged.


So this is an important area because valve disease is relatively less well understood compared with other areas of heart disease and we don’t know how common it is or the time period in which it is going to progress. The difficulty with valve disease is that unlike many other diseases it may have existed for some time before patients get symptoms. What is important to make sure is that any treatment that we do for the valve disease occurs before there is damage to the heart that can’t be reversed with treatment such as surgery. The difficulty being that symptoms may occur after that irreversible damage has occurred. So what we would hope to be able to look at is whether we can identify more closely when people will need treatment before there is irreversible damage and make sure that treatment occurs at that time, rather than after the damage has been done.

All the people we interviewed were taking part in a new research study which is screening people aged over 65 to find out how common heart valve disease is. At present, screening for heart valve disease is not available to everyone throughout the UK.

Jo explains that the research programme is studying how common heart valve disease is, and also whether people are happy to have screening.

Jo explains that the research programme is studying how common heart valve disease is, and also whether people are happy to have screening.


We are trying to find out how common this valve disease is, exactly what types of valve disease we are looking at, what is most common and what is going to be most important in terms of requiring treatment, and also over what time period it might be that people need treatment. So we are aiming to capture the number of people with valve disease but also looking at being able to find out whether people are happy to be examined for valve disease in terms of screening, whether it upsets people or whether actually they are quite comfortable with it and feel that it is worthwhile attending for, and also developing groups of people with valve disease that we can study in more detail over time. 

So people who are asked to participate are those who are aged over sixty five who are registered with the General Practices that are participating in the study and who have not previously been told that they have valve disease. 
Most people will have only one scan and will be told they have no valve disease. Anyone who is found to have the condition will be asked back for a second visit. (See also ‘The screening appointment – having the heart scan’ and ‘Attending follow up appointments’).

The research team will monitor anyone who is found to have the condition over several years to see whether and how the condition develops. Most are unlikely to need treatment.

The research team will monitor anyone who is found to have the condition over several years to see whether and how the condition develops. Most are unlikely to need treatment.


The majority of valve disease that we are seeing is very mild disease which clinically doesn’t require any further monitoring or follow-up except we may contact them as part of the study in the future. For those people where clearly there is more to be done, or it may be that they’ve got slightly more severe valve disease, then we would recommend to the patients and to their GP that they should be followed up in clinic. Again it depends what type of valve disease it is that they have but in line with current guidelines on the management of valve disease. But for a lot of people with mild valve disease they would only need to come to that second visit. 

We will be following people over time using various different national databases. Obviously all with patients consent then we can follow them up and see whether they’re, they need to attend their hospital more frequently. Whether being diagnosed with valve disease is associated with other types of disease affecting the heart or whether in fact there is no difference between the majority of our patients and those who aren’t round to have valve disease.
One of the aims of the study is to find out whether early diagnosis and treatment of heart valve disease can improve the care pathways and health of patients in the long term.
What treatment is available for heart valve disease?
As Jo d’Arcy points out above, most people with mild forms of heart valve disease will not need treatment, but anyone who does need treatment during the course of the research will be offered it. Available treatments at present mostly involve surgery (either an operation to repair or widen the existing valve, or replacement with a new artificial valve).

Update 2016

The study has now completed recruitment at just over 4000 patients (over 65 years of age) recruited from 7 participating GP surgeries in Oxfordshire. Most participants found the scanning process acceptable, without causing undue anxiety, and the vast majority of participants (more than 95%) said they would have echo screening again.

The study team have analysed the data from the first 2500 patients recruited and recently had these results published in the European Heart Journal, June 2016. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw229

The data showed that newly diagnosed (predominantly mild and unlikely to ever cause any harm) VHD was found in 51% of participants, of which 6.4 % was found to be moderate/ severe, being clinically significant and requiring further intervention or monitoring. Previously undiagnosed VHD was found to be more common in lower socioeconomic groups, and affects 1 in 2 of the elderly population, prevalence increases with age.

Phase two of the study will be commencing in the Autumn of 2016, conducting the 5 year follow up visits for those participants who have previously taken part in the study. Visits will be conducted at GP surgeries as before, and patients will be invited to attend for their follow up echo (heart scan). This visit will be similar to the first visit. An information sheet will be sent to all patients with their invite explaining the visit and what is involved in more detail. 

Last reviewed August 2016.
Last updated August 2016.

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