Ursula - Interview 10

More about me...
Ursula was interviewed on two occasions during this study. The first interview took place in 2010 after she had been invited to be screened at her local health centre for unrecognised heart valve disease, as part of a research programme. She went along mainly thinking it would help other people if she took part in the research. She is normally fit and active, apart from occasional tiredness or shortage of breath, which she just puts down to old age. She was not expecting anything to be wrong with her heart, so when she was told she had a leak in one heart valve it was quite a shock.
Ursula did not remember being told there would be a follow up appointment, perhaps because she was too shocked by the diagnosis to take it in. She was unsure if she should avoid strenuous exercise.
Ursula did not remember being told there would be a follow up appointment, perhaps because she was too shocked by the diagnosis to take it in. She was unsure if she should avoid strenuous exercise.
Anything that could have an effect on the heart valve.
At her follow up appointment Ursula learnt she had an irregular heartbeat. She wonders how significant it is, but it doesn't trouble her in any way, and her GP doesn't think it's anything to worry about.
At her follow up appointment Ursula learnt she had an irregular heartbeat. She wonders how significant it is, but it doesn't trouble her in any way, and her GP doesn't think it's anything to worry about.
… it doesn’t cost me anything.
Ursula is now 82 so the research is more likely to help others than herself. She was happy to take part for that reason ' but was surprised and a bit worried to be told she had a valve problem.
Ursula is now 82 so the research is more likely to help others than herself. She was happy to take part for that reason ' but was surprised and a bit worried to be told she had a valve problem.
No, I wasn’t. I wasn’t, I was totally unaware that anything could be wrong. I always felt quite fit and well. Although I had experienced slight out of breath and tiredness occasionally, but considering my age I accepted it.
Ursula was worried about what the diagnosis meant. She would have liked more detailed information about heart valve disease and whether it would affect her lifestyle.
Ursula was worried about what the diagnosis meant. She would have liked more detailed information about heart valve disease and whether it would affect her lifestyle.
Is there any family history of heart problems?
Ursula is not affected by the condition and it has not changed her lifestyle at all.
Ursula is not affected by the condition and it has not changed her lifestyle at all.
Not at all. It has not changed my lifestyle at all. I’m still active and do everything I set myself to do.
Ursula admires researchers for their dedication, and encourages other patients to give them all the help they can. But she would encourage staff to give people who want it more information about their condition.
Ursula admires researchers for their dedication, and encourages other patients to give them all the help they can. But she would encourage staff to give people who want it more information about their condition.
I want to know everything [laughs].