As I say it started off with actually two letters from the surgery. The first one I ignored, mainly because I am, as now, always apprehensive as to where it leads to. The second time I felt I ought to take part since obviously my doctors, in a sense, recommended it. So, there you are. Then I got an invitation to attend the surgery, my own surgery.
I was told there was nothing radically wrong with my heart except the blood was a little slow in moving into the heart. I don't know if that is significant in any way or not. And that's about it to date.
OK, and you said there that you got two letters and the first one you ignored because you feel apprehensive about these kind of things? Can you tell me a little bit more about that?
Well, I suppose... I was in the Forces during the War. I volunteered to go into the Forces. And once you're there, you volunteered once, you're reluctant to volunteer again. It’s something that I suppose is bred into you, in a sense. You never willingly volunteered. Once you're in the Forces, you never volunteered again, so to speak. For example, if they wanted a job done by you personally or a group of men, the sergeant used to come down and call for volunteers. Nobody volunteered. It was, “You, you, you, and you, get on and do it.” And I was brought up in that sort of atmosphere. So I suppose that was originally my reluctance. Does that make sense?
Were you worried about what might be found from it? Or was it just that you...?
Yes, probably you are a bit worried. I always have been. For example, all my life I have said I would prefer to go to a dentist than to a doctor. My reasoning being if you go to the dentist, he will tell you that your teeth are rotten, and you got to pull out. And you've got to endure pain for perhaps two minutes while the tooth is pulled out. The doctor, if you're not certain what’s wrong with you, he can tell you, he can, in fact, give you the death penalty if you like - say, you know, “You’re such and such and you've got such and such”, and “incurable”. So maybe that doesn't make sense, but that's the way I feel.