Prostate Cancer
How prostate cancer affects families
Suggests that his brother has been very embarrassed by the diagnosis.
Suggests that his brother has been very embarrassed by the diagnosis.
Explains that he has not told certain family members as he does not want to worry them.
Explains that he has not told certain family members as he does not want to worry them.
I haven't told my sister, she lives in X, yes she doesn't know now. And there's family in Walsall and Staffordshire I haven't told any of those.
Do you mind explaining why you prefer not to
I don't want to worry them
You don't want to worry them?
No, no I don't want to worry them. I'm not feeling bad about this in terms of my health, sometimes I can't believe it's happening to me anyway. And if I start to unnecessarily pass that information then what would I be doing it for, would I be doing it for, in order to court sympathy from it, why would I be doing it? I can pass the information as and when I have a problem, which is obviously a problem and something else has got to happen, something else is going to happen to me. But at the moment no I don't see the need to do that.
Discusses the impact on his wife and children.
Discusses the impact on his wife and children.
Yes we told my son and daughter what I had, but I don't really think it sunk in, I just think they just thought it was dad's got some sort of a bad stomach I think, I don't really think they understood the implications of it at the time, even though they're in their 30s now my children. I don't really think, they think you're sort of invincible because you've not had much wrong with you over the years.
Explains how he was shocked at the flood of concern from others
Explains how he was shocked at the flood of concern from others
Describes how positive his wife is.
Describes how positive his wife is.
What was the impact on the whole family at that point?
Well I kept a lot, there was only [his wife] knew and [name] is a very, very positive person because she'd been through it [she had also had an operation for breast cancer], so she was very, very positive and she, you know I didn't, I just carried on work as normal, or people thought I was normal because of my personality but inside I was, I was very upset.
Considers that it was harder for his family than himself.
Considers that it was harder for his family than himself.
I think it was hardest on my family and people around me rather than on me. I was at the centre of this, it was happening to me and I was pretty sanguine about the whole business I suppose. I felt relieved in a way that the cancer had been diagnosed early and that I would have an opportunity to treat it and recover if one can speak about cancer in that state. But my family were very, it was very difficult for them because I don't, I'm not somebody who discusses my particular complaint with anybody, I suffer alone, I don't spread it about. This was very difficult for my family I suppose.
Considers that it was harder for his family than himself.
Considers that it was harder for his family than himself.
I think it was hardest on my family and people around me rather than on me. I was at the centre of this, it was happening to me and I was pretty sanguine about the whole business I suppose. I felt relieved in a way that the cancer had been diagnosed early and that I would have an opportunity to treat it and recover if one can speak about cancer in that state. But my family were very, it was very difficult for them because I don't, I'm not somebody who discusses my particular complaint with anybody, I suffer alone, I don't spread it about. This was very difficult for my family I suppose.
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