Making decisions about birth after caesarean
Profiles - Aged 31-35
Interview 03
Carer with a five year old son. Living with partner who works as an operations manager. Ethnic background: White British (Welsh).
Interview 09
Dentist with twins aged four and a half. Husband is also a dentist. Ethnic background: White British (Northern Irish).
Interview 10
Waitress and student with a five year old son. Living with partner, who is a farm worker. Ethnic background: White British (Scottish).
Interview 11
Marketing manager with a son aged two years two months. Husband is an accountant. Ethnic background: White British.
Interview 13
Retail assistant with one daughter aged seventeen months. Husband is a design engineer. Ethnic background: White British (English).
Interview 18
Doctor with twins aged three and a half, husband is also a doctor. Ethnic background: White British. Played by an actor.
Interview 19
Laboratory technician with one daughter aged three. Husband works off-shore as a training supervisor. Ethnic background: White British (Scottish). Played by an actor.
Interview 20
University lecturer with one daughter aged fifteen months. Living with partner, who works as a postman. Ethnic background: White British (Scottish).
Interview 26
Homemaker with one daughter aged 13. Lives with her partner works as computer software engineer. Ethnicity: White British (English)
Interview 27
No details given.
Interview 28
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Industry regulator with one son aged three. Husband is a policeman. Ethnic background: White British (Scottish).