Living without children
Maggie was 'fairly OK' about not having children and when people ask her if she has children, she says 'sadly, no I don't'.
Maggie was 'fairly OK' about not having children and when people ask her if she has children, she says 'sadly, no I don't'.
Sally talked about how her treatment failure felt like a distant memory. She felt she had a happier marriage and less stressful life.
Sally talked about how her treatment failure felt like a distant memory. She felt she had a happier marriage and less stressful life.
Perhaps working out better than you sometimes think it does. Yes. I am probably a glass half full sort of person because I look for the good points, and that has been a benefit, yes.
Tim felt that it wouldn't bother him if he and his wife were not able to have children.
Tim felt that it wouldn't bother him if he and his wife were not able to have children.
Naomi and her husband discussed that their lives together would be really happy, even if they weren't able to have children.
Naomi and her husband discussed that their lives together would be really happy, even if they weren't able to have children.
We had thought about it a lot. I don’t think I ever really accepted that it wouldn’t happen. I am not saying that was me being incredibly determined. I think that was me being very blinkered, and me just refusing to believe that it might not work. I think my husband was probably more geared up to it not working, but I think how ungeared up I was probably scared the hell out of him. And it was quite strange that it was the night before our embryo transfer in [city] and we were out for dinner and I actually said to him, “No if this doesn’t work we can still be really happy together as a couple.” I think that was the first time that I had ever actually accepted that it might not work, but that actually we would still be right together. Up until then, I think I had just thought naively, just thought it will work, it will work, it will work. I am just going to keep going until it works. And I imagine that probably scared him a bit, about what, there’s no guarantees, what if it doesn’t work?
Sally offered advice to those who are facing a future without children.
Sally offered advice to those who are facing a future without children.
Last reviewed July 2017.
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