Tim ' Interview 09

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Tim is Carol’s husband (08) and they have been going through fertility treatment together for 8 years. When they stopped using contraception and nothing happened, investigations revealed that his wife would be unlikely to conceive naturally (she has polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis) and that they would need treatment. They have tried IUI and five cycles of IVF, but none have been successful yet. While they were discussing continuing treatment with frozen eggs at the time of the interview, he was unclear how much further they would continue treatment before deciding to stop.
Tim said that one of the big problems for him and his wife is where to stop if it doesn't work. They feel compelled to keep going with treatment for as long as the doctors say it's worth it, or until the money ran out.
Tim said that one of the big problems for him and his wife is where to stop if it doesn't work. They feel compelled to keep going with treatment for as long as the doctors say it's worth it, or until the money ran out.
Tim found it distressing to watch his wife's egg collection.
Tim found it distressing to watch his wife's egg collection.
Again it is in a way distressing, because although they are anaesthetised there is still a lot of murmuring and I think they do feel the pain when they are in there. But although they don’t remember it afterwards. It is more of a Rohypnol type thing that they get, rather than a complete anaesthetic. It is only in effect really a local. So it is quite distressing to see someone in the pain, but nothing you can do about it, because you know it is only going to carry on until they have got all the eggs out, or as many as they can, so… But other than that I mean its… well emotionally as well it is hard, because you know it comes round whether there is an egg in it or not, and you are sort of sitting there waiting because you want as many as possible, because that means you have got a better chance of as many as decent embryos, enough to freeze and so on and so forth.