Lisa Hinton

Lisa Hinton is a medical sociologist with research interests in women’s health, health and new media, and understanding and improving patient experiences. She holds a PhD from the University of Oxford.
Advisory Panel
Kate Brian
Lay member
Clare Dando
Lay member
Dr Jenny Kurinczuk
Director, National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Oxford University
Robab Latifnejad Roudsari
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Surrey University
Clare Lewis-Jones MBE
Chief Executive, Infertility Network UK
Dr Jacqueline Maxmin
General Practitioner
Enda McVeigh
Consultant and Medical Director, Oxford Fertility Centre
Dr Sumaira Malik
Research Associate, Cambridge University
Dr Karen Throsby
Sociology Department, Warwick University
Dr Olga van den Akker
Professor of Health Psychology, Middlesex University
Professor Edwin van Teijlingen
Professor of Reproductive Health Research, Bournemouth University
Sue Ziebland
Director, Health Experiences Research Group, Oxford University
This research would not have been possible without the help and support of many people and we are indebted to them. First and foremost, thank you to the women and men who generously agreed to be interviewed for this study. It was a pleasure and privilege to travel around the country and meet so many people who were generous with their time and willing to share their stories and experiences. We are also grateful for the help we received from a range of individuals and organizations in recruiting individuals willing to be interviewed.
These included Enda McVeigh from the Oxford Fertility Unit, Clare Lewis-Jones and colleagues at Infertility Network UK, Olivia Montuschi at the Donor Conception Network, Jonathan Pearce at Adoption UK, Jane Denton at the Multiple Births Foundation, GP Dr Jackie Maxmin, Professor William Ledger (Head of Reproductive and Developmental Medicine, University of Sheffield) and Dr Allan Pacey (University of Sheffield, Department of Human Metabolism).
The interviews were collected as part of a studentship funded by the Medical Research Council.
We are also grateful to the late Dr Ann McPherson for her vision for HEXI - Health Experience Insights and promoting the understanding of women’s health.
The study has been guided by its Advisory Panel and we are very grateful for their guidance and support throughout the project.
Supported by:
A studentship funded by the Medical Research Council.