Andrew - Interview 24

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In 1991 Andrew managed to negotiate with staff that he could have his treatment by tablets and not by injection, and he has taken them regularly until the present day. He has had talking therapies for the last 18 years and has liked the opportunity to discuss, with a third party, events in his life. He received a BA Honours with the Open University, an MA in 1998, and has been heavily involved in user committees. In service user groups he said that the members had to be empowered to do everyday tasks such as cooking and shopping since life was very different from inside asylums. Over the last 10-12 years he has had a great deal of support from his girlfriend and her family, and describes his girlfriend as a ‘rock on which I’ve stood’. He thinks that the term ‘schizophrenia’ has maybe reached ‘the end of its usefulness’ but that there are many people who suffer from psychosis or delusions, and by abolishing the term schizophrenia you would not abolish these things. Andrew suggests something like ‘perception disorder’ as an alternative.
Andrew thinks that by abolishing the term 'schizophrenia' you won't get rid of delusions or paranoia, but that it could be replaced with something like 'perception disorder'.
Andrew thinks that by abolishing the term 'schizophrenia' you won't get rid of delusions or paranoia, but that it could be replaced with something like 'perception disorder'.
But I think there is such a thing that’s described under the name of schizophrenia. I think there are delusions, there are paranoia and they do happen and by abolishing the term schizophrenia you’re not going to abolish delusions and paranoia. People will have paranoia, they will have delusions and it’s helpful to have medication that will stop the delusions and it’s helpful to have talking therapies that will enable you to come to terms with delusions and to address the problem of your delusions [coughs]. That won’t happen for everyone I know. There are unfortunately people who have delusions and paranoia and that remains with them. They’re treatment resistant. And that’s very sad. And those people should be properly looked after and they should be given the best quality of life. But for quite a few people if they have the right medication, medication that they agree with. If they have a care plan that includes medication that they agree with them, that doesn’t give them horrendous side effects, that they’re not going to drop off taking, then they will benefit from having helpful therapy from medication and from talking therapies. And I think that there always will be schizophrenia. I think that studies show that about 1% of every population in every culture throughout the whole of mankind will suffer from schizophrenia. And that won’t go away by avoiding the term schizophrenia. I think it might be helpful to abolish the name schizophrenia and to replace it with something like perception disorder which I think is a term they’ve used in Holland and it would be helpful to abolish the term schizophrenia in the same way that manic depression has been abolished and mental subnormality has been abolished.
Andrew has a 'predisposition' to psychosis and describes several stressful life events.
Andrew has a 'predisposition' to psychosis and describes several stressful life events.
There was some talk about pre clinical diagnosis and that was mentioned on All in the Mind, in May or June 2010, and Claudia Hammond was quite right to include in her programme that day, and I think that, as I said early, I had a pre-disposition towards psychosis and schizophrenia, paranoia and things like that. I think I had a pre-disposition towards psychosis. And I had all these life events at the time, as I said I lost my leg when I was seventeen and a half, I failed my degree when I was 24. My parents got divorced when I was 23 or 24. And I smoked a lot of pot when I was about 22. All these things can be sort of pretty disastrous that anyone with a pre-disposition towards schizophrenia and so I think I followed a sort of typical pattern in those days.
Later in life Andrew went on to get a BA and an MA.
Later in life Andrew went on to get a BA and an MA.
Andrew was in a county asylum in the 1970s and would have found life bearable, even though conditions were harsh, had it not been for the side-effects of the injections.
Andrew was in a county asylum in the 1970s and would have found life bearable, even though conditions were harsh, had it not been for the side-effects of the injections.
Andrew has been on atypical medication for the last ten years and found that it has less sedative effects.
Andrew has been on atypical medication for the last ten years and found that it has less sedative effects.
I negotiated that I would have medication by tablet. I have been taking my tablets every day since 1991. In recent years, about the last ten years, I’ve been atypical medication. The one I have been on is something called olanzapine. It’s got even less sedative effects than the Largactil and Stelazine I was last discharged on. As far as I know, because I don’t have a lot of insight into my mental illness I haven’t been acting in a psychotic or paranoid way. I feel quite happy and content and I don’t have any unhelpful feelings that say, ‘the Russians are coming’ or that the ‘IRA are lurking around Kentish lanes, trying to do something against the Archbishop of Canterbury.’ I don’t feel there’s signalling going on, signalling go on to spy satellites or by Morse code or anything like that. I used to have those thoughts and they’re very unhelpful. I don’t have any of those thoughts today and I have had those kind of thoughts for nearly fifteen or twenty years. That’s due to the therapeutic effect of the tablets. Which I will accept. And as I say for the last ten years or so, I’ve been atypical medication and the one I’ve been prescribed is olanzapine. And I’ve got no objections to taking it. Each day is the same. You know, I mean I don’t have restlessness or extreme sedation.
Andrew describes how after a nurse reported he wasn't taking his medication he felt intimidated by staff at an asylum into having injections.
Andrew describes how after a nurse reported he wasn't taking his medication he felt intimidated by staff at an asylum into having injections.
One of the nurses reported that I hadn’t been taking my tablets, which I don’t know how they came to do that. So the psychiatrist called me in and said, “There’s some doubt about you taking your tablets. We’re going to put you on injections.” And this chap who I can only describe as a [forensic hospital] trained teddy boy who insisted on being called Mr. He had his white coat on with green epaulets and so he was some kind of nurse. And he insisted on being called Mr. Mr B. I won’t say his full name. “You call me Mr B, I’ll call you Raymond or Andrew or whatever I like.” And “I’m going to give you this injection. If you don’t come with me and drop your trousers so I can give you the injection, I’m going to call the crash team out, who will hold you down and give you the injection.” And this coming from a [forensic hospital] trained teddy boy in an era in 1974 when I’d become associated with peace and love, and I’d sort of gone through the you know, sort of hippy if you like phase and I thought it was all peace and love and it’s all energy man and things like that. And you know, but to be confronted with a [forensic hospital] trained teddy boy, was pretty intimidating, especially when he could call on a crash team, to come out, if there’s a slightest sort of bit of doubt, and who would delight no doubt in dialling that number from the ward phone and getting the crash team, and holding you down and injecting you. So that’s what the staff were like.
Andrew has been taking olanzapine for the last ten years and doesn't experience any of the sedation or restlessness that he used to have when taking another medication.
Andrew has been taking olanzapine for the last ten years and doesn't experience any of the sedation or restlessness that he used to have when taking another medication.
But for me I was glad the asylums were closed down, and I’ve not been an inpatient since the asylums were closed down. And the last time I was an inpatient was in 1991 at [name of asylum] near [place] and I managed to negotiate with the medical staff there that I wouldn’t have medication by injection. I negotiated that I would have medication by tablet. I have been taking my tablets every day since 1991. In recent years, about the last ten years, I’ve been on atypical medication. The one I have been on is something called Olanzapine. It’s got even less sedative effects than the Largactil and Stelazine I was last discharged on. As far as I know, because I don’t have a lot of insight into my mental illness I haven’t been acting in a psychotic or paranoid way. I feel quite happy and content and I don’t have any unhelpful feelings that say, ‘the Russians are coming’ or that the ‘IRA are lurking around Kentish lanes, trying to do something against the Archbishop of Canterbury.’ I don’t feel there’s signalling going on, signalling go on to spy satellites or by Morse code or anything like that. I used to have those thoughts and they’re very unhelpful. I don’t have any of those thoughts today and I have had those kind of thoughts for nearly fifteen or twenty years. That’s due to the therapeutic effect of the tablets which I will accept. And as I say for the last ten years or so, I’ve been atypical medication and the one I’ve been prescribed is Olanzapine. And I’ve got no objections to taking it. Each day is the same. You know, I mean I don’t have restlessness or extreme sedation.