Jim - Interview 19

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He experimented with other drugs at parties such as ecstasy and cocaine, then he was introduced to heroin by a friend. He took it at weekends for about six months. Later he started taking heroin again and became addicted and needed it to function. He lost his job because of it, and had to turn to his dad to help support his £20-£30-a-day habit. He and his dad sat down to discuss the problem, but he couldn’t help. Jim stayed with his mother for a while but he couldn’t open up to her.
When he started using heroin, Jim stopped smoking cannabis because he couldn’t afford both.
When he started using heroin, Jim stopped smoking cannabis because he couldn’t afford both.
Jim describes how he became addicted to heroin.
Jim describes how he became addicted to heroin.
Jim describes how he felt when he decided to go on a 'cold turkey' withdrawal.
Jim describes how he felt when he decided to go on a 'cold turkey' withdrawal.
I’d lost my family, my friends, my home. I was living in a tent for quite some time.
During the 3 months when he was injecting heroin Jim did not share needles and kept his equipment sterile.
During the 3 months when he was injecting heroin Jim did not share needles and kept his equipment sterile.
Yeah I wasn’t worried at the time by any means but afterwards yes I did think, ‘Hold on have I got something or not’. Then again though you see when I was injecting I was safe. I never shared anything. I always used all my own stuff and it was always sterile. So I did it in the safest possible way.
Jim was arrested several times for shoplifting. The last time he saw an 'arrest referral worker' they gave him information about where he could go to get treatment.
Jim was arrested several times for shoplifting. The last time he saw an 'arrest referral worker' they gave him information about where he could go to get treatment.
Sort of yeah. They arrest you and they have what’s known as arrest referral workers and they come and give you information whilst you’re in the cells of who you can go to get help. It’s then totally up to you whether you take that help or not but I’d wanted to get clean for quite some time anyway. And as I’ve already said, I went to stay with my Mother and I tried to do cold turkey and that just wasn’t working so the only route I could take really was to go on methadone. That was the only thing I could see to help me. So I got in touch with them and they sorted me a methadone script out within a few weeks.
Jim lost his family, friends and home due to his heroin addiction.
Jim lost his family, friends and home due to his heroin addiction.
Jim talks about the challenges, his attitude and what has helped to overcome his heroin addiction.
Jim talks about the challenges, his attitude and what has helped to overcome his heroin addiction.
Jim thinks that young people in school could learn from the experiences of ex-drug users and have the opportunity to ask questions.
Jim thinks that young people in school could learn from the experiences of ex-drug users and have the opportunity to ask questions.
When Jim decided to stop using heroin he had to completely cut ties with his old friends.
When Jim decided to stop using heroin he had to completely cut ties with his old friends.
Jim was using cannabis all the time in his last year at school which was when things 'started going downhill'.
Jim was using cannabis all the time in his last year at school which was when things 'started going downhill'.
No, well I, It wasn’t just I didn’t have time it was the fact that I couldn’t be bothered as well. I mean I was spending a lot of time looking after my grandparents but I was also spending a lot of time going out with friends and socialising. I just couldn’t be bothered to do it. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to do it. I was using cannabis, getting stoned all the time.
Jim says ‘know what you’re getting into’ by getting information from people who have experience of drug use.
Jim says ‘know what you’re getting into’ by getting information from people who have experience of drug use.
I think the best thing is to seek knowledge from people who have had drugs experience themselves before you try drugs because you don’t know what you are getting yourself into. When I started to use heroin I’d only used cannabis before that and tried a few other drugs. And I thought, ok I knew it was highly addictive but I thought it was just the same as being addicted to cannabis but worse, worse in that you’re just going to crave it. I didn’t know there was any physical element to withdrawal symptoms. You know, I thought I’d still be able to get up in the morning and function. And that’s not the case you can’t, you can’t move. You can’t do anything. It just grips you. So yeah make sure you know what you are doing before you try it.
When Jim's father found out his son was addicted to heroin he talked to him and tried to understand the causes of his addiction. His mother was very upset about it.
When Jim's father found out his son was addicted to heroin he talked to him and tried to understand the causes of his addiction. His mother was very upset about it.
Jim says that treatment needs to be available more quickly for those who need it. Delays can mean that the person starts using drugs again.
Jim says that treatment needs to be available more quickly for those who need it. Delays can mean that the person starts using drugs again.
Jim advises doctors not to look down on young patients.
Jim advises doctors not to look down on young patients.
If your son or daughter has an addiction problem, Jim’s advice is to be understanding, open and non-judgemental.
If your son or daughter has an addiction problem, Jim’s advice is to be understanding, open and non-judgemental.
Jim feels that methadone treatment has helped him get his life and family back.
Jim feels that methadone treatment has helped him get his life and family back.
Jim describes methadone treatment and the difficulties he has when the dose gets lowered.
Jim describes methadone treatment and the difficulties he has when the dose gets lowered.
I’d also like to go to college and take further qualifications in the subject.