Harry - Interview 03

Harry, a student, said that he started to do drugs aged thirteen. He started off mainly with cannabis and then skunk just 'out of curiosity'. He then went on to try ecstasy, mephedrone, MDMA, etc. He was diagnosed with psychosis age nineteen. He doesn't use drugs anymore.
Full-time student, single. White British. Harry is on treatment and recovering from psychosis. He blames cannabis/skunk for his illness. He said that his parents have been very supportive throughout this episode.
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The first time Harry and his best friend used cannabis, they smoked too much of it and experience...

The first time Harry and his best friend used cannabis, they smoked too much of it and experience...
I thought it was great just totally out sort of laughing like giggling, giggling away and then like sort of take it a bit too far and would we’d just like it’s called whiting, a different name across the whole country, when you smoke too much and then you’re just a like bit incapacitated and a bit like all a bit too much and it’s all like sort of not paranoid thoughts but sort of it’s like being really drunk almost. but the equivalent of that but with smoking cannabis and yes but then that wasn’t paranoid though, you’d get the odd bit of like oh God like we’re walking past a police car or whatever or we’re in front of a teacher but it wouldn’t be in this massive, it would be sort of cheeky paranoia but it wouldn’t be like... self analytical paranoia.
Harry thinks that his emotional problems were due to a combination of doing ecstasy and smoking cannabis.

Harry thinks that his emotional problems were due to a combination of doing ecstasy and smoking cannabis.
Harry has come to the conclusion that the euphoric feelings on ecstasy are not worth it because he felt so bad afterwards. He says the effect is just 'faked happiness'.

Harry has come to the conclusion that the euphoric feelings on ecstasy are not worth it because he felt so bad afterwards. He says the effect is just 'faked happiness'.
It’s covering up its just complete escapism like all drugs
Harry thinks that different music scenes go with different types of illegal drugs.

Harry thinks that different music scenes go with different types of illegal drugs.
Like thousands there’d be a like a thousand people or whatever and everyone’s just, everyone’s doing drugs.
Harry was diagnosed with cannabis-induced psychosis and put on medication. At times he felt so bad that he thought about suicide.

Harry was diagnosed with cannabis-induced psychosis and put on medication. At times he felt so bad that he thought about suicide.
I was feeling like I couldn’t cope with being like talking to people I mean I’d walk along a corridor like in halls and say if there was someone walking towards you or towards me I mean, normally it would just be okay there’s a person walking towards me I’d say, smile or be hello if I knew them or like just stop and chat if I knew them like a bit better and that’ll be it, but in that state of mind I was as they were getting closer and closer to me I’d be dreading the conversation that I was about to have with them and I’d think please don’t talk to me, please don’t talk to me and going from like so sociable like always being like really like involved in like sort of going out and chatting and meeting new people to suddenly like not be able to communicate almost forgetting how to talk to people and being so nervous. I’d, like still so paranoid and just like all this built up, built up, built up and then like I say my mind was just racing constantly like thoughts flying around like daming thoughts about myself or sort of thinking like what have I done and that’s the only point in my life where I thought “Okay this is it, you’ve completely done it, you’ve completely ruined yourself like what have you done” and like and this was like quite sad to say like why, this was the only time I actually thought about like sort of, sort of topping myself and it had like got to that stage where I was like I can’t live the rest of my life like this, this I can’t actually like go through the rest of my life and I can’t see a way out of it.
Harry's comedowns from ecstasy became longer and were more emotionally charged. He started to feel depressed and paranoid.

Harry's comedowns from ecstasy became longer and were more emotionally charged. He started to feel depressed and paranoid.
Harry has three main reasons for not taking drugs anymore: health, a sense of personal achievement and the public’s negative attitude to drugs.

Harry has three main reasons for not taking drugs anymore: health, a sense of personal achievement and the public’s negative attitude to drugs.
Harry‘s experience of 'rebuilding' himself again after his relapse was exhausting and that’s why he’d never do drugs again.

Harry‘s experience of 'rebuilding' himself again after his relapse was exhausting and that’s why he’d never do drugs again.
Before he got treatment, Harry's mind was racing all the time, he felt completely helpless and didn’t know what was real.

Before he got treatment, Harry's mind was racing all the time, he felt completely helpless and didn’t know what was real.
Harry has gained weight from drinking heavily, he worries about what his liver might be like when he is older.

Harry has gained weight from drinking heavily, he worries about what his liver might be like when he is older.
Some of Harry's friends are in denial about their drug dependence and the risk of mental health problems.

Some of Harry's friends are in denial about their drug dependence and the risk of mental health problems.
It’s the same with my best friends now sort of there’s a massive group who are like so into drugs it’s unreal like more than most people I’ve ever met. And they’re such party animals and but they have their own problems individually well they’re still, some of them are in denial about it and stuff, don’t like to admit that there’s drugs that’s actually having this affect on them. They just think if they have like a little break from it then they’ll be fine and find I have conversations with some of them and like some of them, one of them in particular, he’s having massive problems at the moment, he’s having similar problems that I had. And I try and warn him but the thing is I don’t know him as well as my other friends we’re very familiar with each other and we know who each other are, we have like fun when we go out. But I don’t really know him on a personal level so I can’t be too I feel like I’m almost being a bit intrusive even though I really want to say to him “Look” and I do like I do open up and I say “Look mate if you, you don’t want to end up like how I felt like when I was like younger and then like a few years ago because that’s this is the start of it this is the start of paranoia and this is the start of something serious” and then one of my other friends I remember the other day like who was with us at that point when I said that who is so pro drugs it’s unreal, he would he’d just butt in and go “No, no don’t be so don’t be so like up in the air about it like it’s not that bad” and you need to what’s the name, “You need to have a break, just have a break and then you’ll be fine and you can get back into it” or whatever but, he’s a he’s not seeing he’s in denial himself with his own, but he doesn’t want to admit that there is a massive like connection with their problems there and that he needs to knock it on the head and this is something more serious than it actually is.
Harry got expelled from school for being 'stoned the whole time'.

Harry got expelled from school for being 'stoned the whole time'.
Yes just never doing any work due to just being stoned the whole time on cannabis getting caught they always suspected me but they never, I don’t think they, no they never actually caught me with anything on me. Whereas they drug tested a load of my friends and knew that I was friend with them obviously and they could tell by the look in my eyes but then after a while like we’ve got these little eye drops to cover that up so, you know, I’m not sure that they, I think they’re for hay fever. To stop the redness in your eyes and then we take them and like even though we would be so aware that we are looking so stoned and we‘re chatting to a teacher they, we thought they wouldn’t be able to tell but we were sort of fooling ourselves really, they know the score they’re not stupid.
Harry says that the whole experience brought him closer to his parents who have been very supportive and understanding.

Harry says that the whole experience brought him closer to his parents who have been very supportive and understanding.
Harry says that ketamine is very addictive and describes what happens when someone takes too much and goes into the ‘k-hole’.