BT - Interview 15

More about me...
BT found a lump in his breast whilst showering one day. He was unsure what it was and immediately showed it to his wife who thought it better to get it checked out by the doctor and he saw him the next day.
BT explains that the mammogram is uncomfortable but not painful.
BT explains that the mammogram is uncomfortable but not painful.
They did one-
BT felt embarrassed whilst he was waiting in a hospital gown for his biopsy.
BT felt embarrassed whilst he was waiting in a hospital gown for his biopsy.
And I went to [name of hospital] for a biopsy, and that were embarrassing.
BT said he had never been as frightened as when he got in to his car just after receiving his diagnosis and he realised he had breast cancer.
BT said he had never been as frightened as when he got in to his car just after receiving his diagnosis and he realised he had breast cancer.
What happened is that they diagnosed it, and then [name of the surgeon] brought in a Macmillan nurse and he said “from now on she’s in charge, she’ll take you through everything and do everything”.
BT felt that the only side effect that he had from tamoxifen was tiredness. He now takes it at night so he can sleep through the effects.
BT felt that the only side effect that he had from tamoxifen was tiredness. He now takes it at night so he can sleep through the effects.
The only thing it’s doing with me, it’s made me tired. That’s the only downside. Apart from that, I haven’t noticed anything different. As I say, I do know that a lot of people have a lot of problems with tamoxifen. And some, there’s a lot of women, they can’t take it or the side effects are horrendous. Now whether, you know obviously the side effects that the ladies get is totally different from what we would get anyway.
BT felt embarrassed when he had to wait for his biopsy in a dressing gown, surrounded by female patients.
BT felt embarrassed when he had to wait for his biopsy in a dressing gown, surrounded by female patients.
I went to [name of hospital] for a biopsy, and that were embarrassing.
BT found that everyone at his group supported each other. They were going through the same traumas and feelings.
BT found that everyone at his group supported each other. They were going through the same traumas and feelings.
Oh yeah. I mean everybody in that group-
BT has a big scar but is still happy to do sport and strip off. Rugby people are used to scars. If people ask about it he simply explains what happened.
BT has a big scar but is still happy to do sport and strip off. Rugby people are used to scars. If people ask about it he simply explains what happened.
Has it stopped you doing anything I mean would you…?
BT had been told that he didn't have a breast, but a chest or 'pecs'. He had felt that breast cancer was something that 'shouldn't really happen to men'.
BT had been told that he didn't have a breast, but a chest or 'pecs'. He had felt that breast cancer was something that 'shouldn't really happen to men'.
When we started the study, we were using the term ‘male breast cancer’ and we came across some people that didn’t like that term. I was just wondering if you have any opinions on it?