Tom - Interview 14

More about me...
Tom had initially thought the bruising and swelling in his chest occurred when he had knocked his chest with some timber he was moving at work. Two months after this incident his wife noticed that his nipple was inverting and told him he should see his GP. He did not believe her when she told him men could get breast cancer, and certainly did not believe it would happen to him.
Tom had banged his nipple. Two months later his wife saw the nipple was inverting and suggested he went to the doctor.
Tom had banged his nipple. Two months later his wife saw the nipple was inverting and suggested he went to the doctor.
The first time I got to know I thought it was a bruise. I walked into some timber, and it did swell, but not knowing I didn’t know at the time men could get cancer, breast cancer. So my wife noticed it and noticed the nipple going inwards and she told me to get in touch with the doctor, and when I got in touch with the doctor, like I said, I hadn’t seen the doctor in 36 years.
Tom wasn't offered reconstruction but wouldn't have wanted it because there wasn't much difference between the two sides of his chest. He thought it would be different for a woman though.
Tom wasn't offered reconstruction but wouldn't have wanted it because there wasn't much difference between the two sides of his chest. He thought it would be different for a woman though.
Did they offer you reconstruction?
Tom felt few ill effects from his chemotherapy and radiotherapy and he was able to carry on working throughout his radiotherapy.
Tom felt few ill effects from his chemotherapy and radiotherapy and he was able to carry on working throughout his radiotherapy.
Can you tell me a wee bit how you felt about the treatment you were given?
Tom, whose wife had also had breast cancer, describes how he had no idea that men could get breast cancer.
Tom, whose wife had also had breast cancer, describes how he had no idea that men could get breast cancer.
It’s… five year ago, I went to the doctor last week, got all cleared and the first time I got to know I thought it was a bruise. I walked into some timber, and it did swell, but not knowing I didn’t know at the time men could get cancer, breast cancer. So my wife noticed it and noticed the nipple going inwards and she told me to get in touch with the doctor, and when I got in touch with the doctor, like I said, I hadn’t seen the doctor in 36 years.
Tom told people about his illness to let men know they could get it. Women asked questions. Men were disbelieving and embarrassed. He advised a man who had a lump to go to the GP.
Tom told people about his illness to let men know they could get it. Women asked questions. Men were disbelieving and embarrassed. He advised a man who had a lump to go to the GP.
Do you tell people you’ve had breast cancer?
Do you tell them what they should be looking out for? Do you…?
I always tell them, “look for lumps”.
I said “it could be a cyst, it could be gristle, go and check. Just go to your doctor’s and check”. It happened once in the pub with me with a chap about two months ago, and he come over and he said “I don’t want to embarrass you but”, he said, “you had breast cancer.” I said “yeah, yeah.” He said “well, I’ve got a lump here” so I felt the lump… but it weren’t hard. And I said… “are you booked in for owt [anything]” and when he went to the doctor’s and checked it, it was gristle.
But he did go to the doctor’s.
After you…
And he asked me questions like, you know, is it… “What’s the operation like if I’ve got it, and all this and that”. I’ve told him, “Go to your doctor’s, get it seen to”.
Tom felt that other patients were watching him when he was called in to his appointment.
Tom felt that other patients were watching him when he was called in to his appointment.
I mean, when I used to go to the hospital to check it was all women and it’s embarrassing sat with a load of women and they’re all going what’s he doing, you know what I mean? And it was all women getting checked up, you know what I mean? It’s like when I went to go into the hospital cos I was the only man there and it was full of women to go in to get operated on. And when they called my name out... they wondered why I was coming, yeah. So I don’t think a lot of women have seen men with it. Cos they all think it’s women.
Tom's wife helped him by talking about her own experiences of breast cancer treatment, finding information for him and acting as a go-between for him at hospital appointments.
Tom's wife helped him by talking about her own experiences of breast cancer treatment, finding information for him and acting as a go-between for him at hospital appointments.
Can you tell me maybe a bit about how you felt your wife supported you? What did she do that just helped you get through the treatment?
Something like that, yeah. Go-between, yeah, yeah. Very good, yes, used to do all that for me, just like I said, she’s experienced it with her sister and her mother and her daughter and me, she’s experienced what the different illnesses are, different cancers, do you know what I mean? So… she’s been with every one of us all the way. Every one.
Tom stressed that both men and women have breasts, and it was important that men realised they could get breast cancer.
Tom stressed that both men and women have breasts, and it was important that men realised they could get breast cancer.
When we first started doing this study as I was saying to you earlier, we had some men came back to us because we used the term ‘male breast cancer’ and I just wondered, do you have any opinions of that statement, that term, male breast cancer?