RG - Interview 17

RG was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. Treatment included mastectomy, chemotherapy and Arimidex. Soon after surgery he developed a seroma in his wound that required draining in hospital.
RG is a retired teacher. He is married and has 3 adult children. Ethnic background' White British (English).
More about me...
RG had initially thought that his nipple had inverted after recent visits to the gym. After a few weeks he showed it to his wife who was unsure what could be causing it and advised him to see his GP. He found the mammogram and biopsy a frightening and painful experience. Despite having knowledge that men could get breast cancer, he never thought it would happen to him and his diagnosis came as a complete shock.
RG describes feeling 'a bit numb'. He didn't feel emotionally prepared for the news even though he was intellectually prepared.
RG describes feeling 'a bit numb'. He didn't feel emotionally prepared for the news even though he was intellectually prepared.
Can you remember how you reacted to the news?
RG found chemotherapy hard. He was surprised he was bothered when he lost his 'good head of hair' but it gradually came back afterwards.
RG found chemotherapy hard. He was surprised he was bothered when he lost his 'good head of hair' but it gradually came back afterwards.
I found the, chemotherapy very hard, I must admit. It was in a communal room, I’d have preferred it to have been in a separate cubicle. And, I- just found it very hard. Very claustrophobic really, you get these things shoved into you, and yeah and- I was okay to start with, I think I was okay on the first one, I didn’t really have, from, from my memory I didn’t really have very many after-effects, of that one. And possibly not much from the second one but it builds up, the effect builds up doesn’t it? And, then the later ones, for a week afterwards, I was you know, out of it, really, not very well and…certainly later on, in fact I was sick during the actual procedure, a couple of times. Yeah, whether it was just a mixture of anxiety and claustrophobia and the heat and all the rest of it, and the process you know. So, you know as I say, and I lost my hair as well of course. Which- I didn’t think that would bother me but it did. Cause I’ve always had a- you know, I’ve always had a good head of hair really. And I thought it would- well I coped with it but, I didn’t really like to go around too much you know. Felt a bit sort of, self-conscious, you know. I must admit I was heartily relieved when the chemotherapy was completed. And it took me, well I think it took me several months, gradually, to build up until- you know to feel more like my old self, you know. My hair gradually came back.
RG was told he would need a mastectomy and chemotherapy. He felt that his decision to accept this advice was 'hardly a decision at all'.
RG was told he would need a mastectomy and chemotherapy. He felt that his decision to accept this advice was 'hardly a decision at all'.
So what happened once they’d given you the diagnosis, did they talk through treatment options then with you?
RG felt a bit exposed and like a 'sore thumb' when he was in the chemotherapy suite. Several times people had assumed that his wife, not him, was the patient.
RG felt a bit exposed and like a 'sore thumb' when he was in the chemotherapy suite. Several times people had assumed that his wife, not him, was the patient.
I mean we’ve been several times to, you know to the hospital and on several occasions, my wife’s been addressed as being the patient. You know, by doctors as well. And of course it’s very female orientated, when you go into the, when you go into the, you know the waiting areas and such like, it’s all in pink. And you feel, you know when you, when your name’s called out, crikey, you know it’s something different, you know. So it’s a little bit, feel a bit self-conscious about that I must admit. I don’t know whether other men do but-. But I think I suppose it’s the nature of the beast, you know that more women unfortunately get breast cancer. But then men do as well, so [laughs].
RG did not take up the offer of support from breast care nurses because he wanted 'minimum fuss' and to 'get back to normal'.
RG did not take up the offer of support from breast care nurses because he wanted 'minimum fuss' and to 'get back to normal'.
So after you had that initial appointment with the consultant, did the breast care nurse see you at all?
RG turned down the offer to meet another man with breast cancer because he thought it wouldn't help to change his situation.
RG turned down the offer to meet another man with breast cancer because he thought it wouldn't help to change his situation.
Have you ever met another man who’s had breast cancer?
RG thinks that he looks 'lop-sided' and wouldn't want to bare his chest at the gym or swimming pool. He thinks women perhaps get more support with this issue than men.
RG thinks that he looks 'lop-sided' and wouldn't want to bare his chest at the gym or swimming pool. He thinks women perhaps get more support with this issue than men.
I’m very aware of this side. And I don’t feel, you know I used to go the gym, but I- well I’d stopped going to the gym before all this happened, but you know, I wouldn’t want to go back to the gym cause I’d feel- you know say you’re going for a swim, I wouldn’t feel that I could strip off, and you know sort of just be natural about it. So, you know, you know that’s- you see I think that, from what I understand, women are possibly supported better than men, in this whole, in this whole thing.