Bereavement due to traumatic death
Support from charities
Many people need help after a traumatic death. It may come from many different sources, among them charities which may give telephone and face-to-face support, and provide counselling and helpful literature. Counsellors contacted through charities are likely to have had at least some training and some may be professional counsellors. Many charities have a website and run one or more support groups.
Some charities such as Cruse Bereavement Care, help anyone bereaved by death. Others offer help in particular types of bereavement, such as through murder or manslaughter, or support particular groups of bereaved people (e.g. widows or children).
Victim Support is a national charity. Volunteers give free and confidential support to help people deal with their ordeal as a victim or a witness of crime. Volunteers from Victim Support had greatly helped some people we talked to.
Patsy was glad that someone from Victim Support visited her and explained the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme.
Patsy was glad that someone from Victim Support visited her and explained the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme.
They [the police] came to the house afterwards, yes the police came, the people from Victim Support came, spoke to me, she was a Christian woman, which was really quite nice, to talk to her and she was trying to encourage me and everyone who come to the house and everyone who came to the house actually, you know, I would encourage them, rather than them encourage me, which was the other amazing thing that people found and people said to me and afterwards, you know, because I felt that everything happened for a reason and it was all going to work out.
What did the lady from Victim Support have to offer you?
Well she offered me a form to fill in if, you know, to claim compensation, that was something and I didn’t know about it, so I was really glad that she came because if she hadn’t I wouldn’t have known about it and I wouldn’t have claimed anything.
Could you say a bit about that for other people?
Well one of the things that happened was that she came and she had a form and she said, “This form is for compensation, if your child has never committed a crime then they can get the maximum”, which at the time was £10,000 but if they had a record of any kind then that could hamper it. So then I said “My son has never committed any crime and he’s not got a record” and she said “Oh good you should get that” and so she helped me to fill that in and she gave me leaflets and told me if I needed someone to call and if I needed to come to them, so all the information was in the leaflet. And she visited me maybe another two or three times after that and told me if I needed their help then I should get in touch.
So you can send this form and the Government pays?
Well I think she did all that for me, I signed it and she did it and sent it off for me and, yes, we got the money.
Someone from Victim Support looked after Martin's family when they attended court. Lisa said that a person from Victim Support explained what would happen during the court case. A volunteer from Victim Support helped David to get a photograph of their son back from a local newspaper. However, David felt that though the volunteer meant well, he was out of his depth and ended up just sitting in their house for hours. Some others felt that Victim Support was patchy, inconsistent and sometimes even insensitive – suggesting that the volunteers might need more specialised training.
Michelle, whose mother was murdered, felt a bit sorry for the people from Victim Support who seemed out of their depth, though very nice.
Michelle, whose mother was murdered, felt a bit sorry for the people from Victim Support who seemed out of their depth, though very nice.
Were you met by anybody from Victim Support?
Yes, they were on the scene. They came to see us at my Dad’s house but I feel like they were quite out of their depth. They didn’t quite know how to relate to us with what, what was going on. I don’t mean that unkindly, I felt sorry for them.
They just, you felt they didn’t know what to say?
Yes, they just, it was just like they were, well they were obviously shocked about what had happened, and they just had difficulty knowing how to communicate with us, on what level, what to say, what was the right thing to say, what was the wrong thing to say. They were sweet, they were lovely ladies, but I felt sorry for them because they were in a very difficult position.
Was it the same two ladies who met you at the court?
No, I don’t think they were at the court.
Oh, they just came to your house?
I just remember them coming to the house.
Did they just come the once?
Yes, because we said we said we didn’t want them to come again. We just said we were going to deal with it privately.
Did they approach you, or did you get in contact with them?
We were asked if we wanted to contact them, and we did. Yes, it was a lot for them to come and do, you know, they’re not used to doing that sort of thing down here. So it wasn’t their fault.
After Terri's son was murdered, a woman from Victim Support called on her, but Terri did not think that she acted professionally. Terri asked her not to call again.
After Terri's son was murdered, a woman from Victim Support called on her, but Terri did not think that she acted professionally. Terri asked her not to call again.
Did Victim Support get involved at all at this stage?
Can you say a bit about their involvement?
If you, I didn’t like, I didn’t like the lady. I, I didn’t like them. Sorry to say that. But
We want you to be honest…
She came round and she was absolutely bizarre. She came here and then ranted and raved for 10 minutes about another case that she’d been working on, which I just thought was really unprofessional. Naming names. And going on about why did I not feel bitter at the fact that what had happened with the court case, because this is how she would feel. And I asked her not to come after that.
She was a volunteer in her late 60s and a very, very angry woman.
How strange.
Ohh. And, and the irony of it was that she’d been to see my mum and my mum had got the same opinion but didn’t want to tell me because she didn’t want me to have any opinions of her before she arrived. And we both; and, she’s only professional I met in the whole of it where I thought, “Good God, you, you’re not in the right job.”
Erykah worked for Victim Support for a year and now volunteers for Women’s Aid. She was intrigued about how the witness protection system worked and why it was that people were reluctant to be witnesses – she now understands this as more a ‘wall of fear’ rather than a ‘wall of silence’.
Erykah worked for Victim Support and thinks it does its best in the circumstances; she thinks volunteers ought to call after the crime and again six months later when people may be ready to talk.
Erykah worked for Victim Support and thinks it does its best in the circumstances; she thinks volunteers ought to call after the crime and again six months later when people may be ready to talk.
Did Victim Support get involved at all? Did they come and see you?
Victim support did get involved yes, they did. I’m not sure if they did, they didn’t see me they saw my Mum, but my point is that everybody comes in the first three months.
And you’re not ready to access help then. I think they should’ve come a lot later. I think perhaps initially come then, but then followed up the call maybe six months later. Because that’s when people are more willing to talk, and as a result of that I ended up doing some work for a year for Victim Support actually.
Did you?
Yes. Just to see how it all works and so that perhaps, I wanted to really get inside the courts, to see how the witness protection scheme runs because I couldn’t understand why nobody was coming forward, and I just assumed that they would, and I found some, an insight into how it all works really.
Could you say a bit about Victim Support?
The work that I do, or I did or…?
Well perhaps both, in general a little bit and then what you did?
Right okay, well initially when you first start working for Victim Support you’ve got to go out and be filling out criminal injury forms and, with some people who’ve been burgled, before you’re allowed to go and do the witness protection work. And that’s based in the courts. The witness protection help, they are there to help victims of crime, and I was really concerned that with all gun crime people aren’t prepared to come forward for fear of intimidation, for fear of reprisal. I wanted to know how Victim Support supported victims in this way and was it enough. I found that Victim Support do their best, with what they’ve got, however it’s not fair that as a victim if you give information you’ve got to change your whole life. You can be put in a safe house, you have to change identity you know, I mean are you going to, are you prepared to do all that to, because most people aren’t. And this is the barrier that people face.
And it, it’s also the same with when there’s shootings and the police and the media say, “There’s a wall of silence.” Well it’s a wall of fear, because people do come forward, people are prepared to talk but they’re not prepared to sign what they’ve said, for fear of you know. And then having to move and uproute themselves, that’s the big problem.
And so how can Victim Support help?
Well, gosh.
You don’t know?
Yes, I don’t know, I think they should come, I think with what they’ve got, and what they, what they work with in terms of supporting victims, I think that they should go out perhaps after three months, not; initially go around yes. But its, you’re in such a daze after someone’s killed, I mean the last thing you want to do is sit down and talk and I don’t even think you you’re emotionally ready to start, even accessing counselling and things, so if nothings took up in the three month they don’t make another call.
And what did you do yourself for Victim Support?
We made a visit to victims in houses.
And what sort of help would you provide for them, a listening ear or anything else?
Yeah, but not for gun crime or anything like that, it was for people that was distressed from burglaries and robberies and things like that.
And it was listening ear and support. The role that I do now with Mothers Against Violence, we do provide that role. We do go out and see people, we do support women for as long as it takes and we do keep going back, and that’s where, a need that we’ve met, you know it’s like a gap that we’ve met. And also now with my other job, my paid work, working for Women’s Aid, I work very closely with Victim Support now, because we get a lot of referrals from them, so, there’s a lot of gaps but I think there’s other agencies as well working alongside that are meeting them.
Yeah, but not for gun crime or anything like that, it was for people that was distressed from burglaries and robberies and things like that.
And it was listening ear and support. The role that I do now with Mothers Against Violence, we do provide that role. We do go out and see people, we do support women for as long as it takes and we do keep going back, and that’s where, a need that we’ve met, you know it’s like a gap that we’ve met. And also now with my other job, my paid work, working for Women’s Aid, I work very closely with Victim Support now, because we get a lot of referrals from them, so, there’s a lot of gaps but I think there’s other agencies as well working alongside that are meeting them.
Cruse Bereavement Care is another major national charity providing support, information, counselling and advice. Cruse calls its volunteers Bereavement Volunteers rather than counsellors, but clients often call them Cruse counsellors. Pat said that she benefited enormously from seeing a Cruse counsellor. She was fortunate to find a volunteer who had had some professional training.
Pat contacted Cruse because she desperately wanted someone to talk to who wasn't a family member or friend. She had to wait a while, but found a very helpful counsellor.
Pat contacted Cruse because she desperately wanted someone to talk to who wasn't a family member or friend. She had to wait a while, but found a very helpful counsellor.
Did you seek any professional counselling or…?
I did subsequently, I did, I have received counselling from CRUSE. I referred myself to CRUSE not until a couple of months later and then it was a couple of months after that, or almost three months after that I think that I was given a counsellor, but I have found that enormously helpful. Enormously.
But you had to wait?
I did have to wait, yes I did. And that wasn’t very helpful. The initial contact with CRUSE, with the person who I understand now was assessing me on the phone [laughs] wasn’t very helpful. And I didn’t have high expectations of the CRUSE contact at first, because of my own background, because I’ve worked with families and people a lot so I’ve got a sort of smattering of knowledge of counselling and things, I didn’t have huge expectations but I knew I desperately needed somebody to talk to that I wasn’t going to upset. That was the thing, that, who wasn’t a friend… who wasn’t going to give me advice. Who wasn’t going to make oblique references to ‘moving on’.
And who, you know, who wasn’t my daughter, you know, to upset her. So that was my, my aim in wanting to talk to somebody objective who didn’t have an axe to grind. But I didn’t have high expectations. But I have been enormously, enormously lucky in the counsellor that I was given. And I’ve benefited enormously.
What happens in a typical session with her?
Phew, we just talk. I just start to talk and it just always happens and I’ve gained a lot of important insights I think. And I’ve realised, as I was alluding to earlier, that my inability to find a voice and to defend my rights and my needs when my son died has its, has its foundation in things that happened a lot earlier in my life. And I’ve been enabled to look at those things. Since.
Did she have any professional training do you know?
Yes. The particular person that I was fortunate enough to have has.
Yes. So that’s why I say I was enormously fortunate, enormously lucky. And I’m very, very thankful for that.
So how long has that been going on for?
That went on for over a year. A long time.
Once a week?
A lot longer than normal. I have to say. It was often, it was for a long period of time once a week, and then we brought it, we started to talk about ending and so I elected that we should go to once a fortnight…
…to help me to come away from that less painfully. But that has ended now.
And that’s all free?
It is, yes it is. It’s, I can’t tell you how much benefit I feel that I’ve gained and if I had had to pay for that I would not have been able, on two counts I wouldn’t have been able to afford it, and I wouldn’t have allowed myself to move my finances around so that I did afford it, because I wouldn’t, and I think 99% of the population wouldn’t, have given myself that much importance.
Jayne found the Cruse counsellor invaluable because she listened and was interested not only in what had happened, but in Jonathan himself.
Jayne found the Cruse counsellor invaluable because she listened and was interested not only in what had happened, but in Jonathan himself.
So where did you turn to for support, or was it just your family, or did you have others?
Well my family were very, very supportive. You know we’re very, very close. And I think that I went to see, my Mum took me to see the GP when I came down to Cornwall, and they put me in touch with Cruse, and the lady used to come, I remember her very clearly, she used to come up to my little flat and sit with me, and I used to show her our wedding photographs and talk to her about Jon, and she was invaluable really. I was only there for a short period because I moved again, but she used to come around once a week and sit with me, have cups of coffee and let me talk about Jon, you know about things, you know how I felt about him, about the way, just try, it’s like the story of your life really, it’s like telling people about what happened, and because we’d only been recently married it was almost like I didn’t really realise I was married myself, do you know what I mean? Because we’d been courting for four months before we got married, and I suppose in a way what I was trying to do was be his wife and to tell people that we’d got married and how lovely it was, and how lovely Jon was, so it was almost like making it, the whole experience real for me, not just his death, but actually the time that we’d had together, you know to consolidate it, you know to be his wife, and after he died you know I kept my maiden name, I only changed my name to Zito after he died. It was almost like I wanted to be his wife, you know I’d made a decision to be his wife and somebody had robbed me of that opportunity, but it wasn’t a conscious thing, it was just a process that I was going through and I suppose the relationship with the Cruse counsellor enabled that to happen as well because she embraced him.
There’s something about, well you know, working, you know that when I’ve been in counselling, it’s actually the people who’ve made the biggest difference to me are people who’ve embraced, not only what has happened, but Jon himself, that he, he’s not, you know that he’s a very real tangible person to me, not in any sixth sense that he’s still you know, but that he was real to me, he was a very big part of my life, he was a very creative young man, and that she was interested in him. I felt like she was interested in him, and she, she participated in you know, not only in me, my sadness about what had happened to him, but also about how happy I was to have met him.
So she let me talk about him, and you know family members, you can’t, you can only say it to a degree. And like, do you know what I mean? Because you end up repeating yourself, you know, that you know bereaved people repeat themselves, we all repeat ourselves for years and years and years and years about, you know because we have, we have to make sense of what’s happened to us really.
Some people had a long wait to see a Cruse counsellor. Dorothy put her name on the waiting list but was still waiting to see someone a year later. Sometimes people didn't like the counsellor they were allocated. Lisa felt that the counsellor expected her to be further along in the ‘bereavement process’ than she was. Alison had two sessions with a Cruse counsellor but didn’t go again because she found her irritating and she didn't want to hear about the counsellor’s own problems (see Alison’s account in ‘People talk about professional counselling’).
Many people had found support through organisations for a particular group of people. Carole, for example, went to a meeting run by Support after Murder and Manslaughter (SAMM).
Some areas of the country lack a local SAMM group. After Terri’s son was murdered, two SAMM volunteers from another town called at her house. They explained how she might appeal if she was not happy with the judge's sentence. After that Terri read the SAMM newsletter, but there was no local group she could go to.
SAMM is affiliated to Victims’ Voice, an umbrella charity for its affiliated organisations and individual members. It raises issues that arise when people are bereaved by sudden or traumatic death and have to cope with police, coroners, courts, hospitals and mortuaries. Marcus valued the support he had from Victims’ Voice.
Every year Marcus attends a service in St. Martin's in the Fields for those bereaved by murder and manslaughter. It is organised by Victims' Voice.
Every year Marcus attends a service in St. Martin's in the Fields for those bereaved by murder and manslaughter. It is organised by Victims' Voice.
I believe you go to the service that’s held every year in St Martin’s in the Fields, do you want to say a little bit about that?
Oh yes. The yearly service in Trafalgar Square at in St Martin’s in the Fields I think is, it’s the pinnacle day of the, of my year. It’s something I’ve been going to for a number of years now, which is organised by Victims Voice. And quite a lot of my friends are involved in that. And it’s just a fantastic meeting of hundreds of people and members of families who are bereaved by murder and manslaughter. And last year I had the good fortune to be allowed to read and hopefully this year I’ll be allowed to read as well. It just is… it’s a meeting of like-minded people. And the environment and the setting of St Marin’s in the Fields church…
…it couldn’t be more perfect. You’re in the centre of the universe. You’re in Trafalgar Square. It’s two weeks before Christmas. If it snowed it would be absolutely amazing. And I remember a couple of years ago, towards the end of the service, they played ‘My Heart will go on’, which absolutely brought everybody floods of tears. But in a, I guess in a good way, not a, a disturbing way. So that service for me is a perfect end always to my year. And it and it gives me hope for the next year.
Not only for myself, but for other people. So it it’s a great healing service. It’s not just we’re going to church to pray for lost ones, it really is a nurturing… it’s a growth. It’s a growing period. In my mind it is anyway.
Terri found a great deal of comfort from another organisation, Compassionate Friends. Compassionate Friends is an organisation of bereaved parents and their families offering understanding and support to others after the death of a child.
Terri found Compassionate Friends on the internet. There were no local groups but she went to yearly weekend gatherings for bereaved parents and found comfort and support.
Terri found Compassionate Friends on the internet. There were no local groups but she went to yearly weekend gatherings for bereaved parents and found comfort and support.
I joined Compassionate Friends. That was after about a year.
Can you tell me about what they do?
Yes. Well, I went on the website one night when I was absolutely despairing and I put on it, “Help, for someone who’s lost a child.” And that link came up. And Compassionate Friends, at the time, they haven’t got one now, had a forum. So I went on and said this is me, and I’ve lost a child, I’m absolutely in despair, can anyone speak to me? And within literally a few hours I had about 50 emails.
It was great. People were sharing their experiences. And I met a very close friend who I’m still in touch with today. And we meet up once or twice a year. Lost her son, similar age and [sirens in background] it also has gatherings every year for bereaved parents, either down south. So you go for the weekend. And you can just; I can be Ben’s mum that weekend without having to worry about upsetting other people, if I’m feeling a bit sad. And you meet all the parents.
Do you think you could say a bit more about Compassionate Friends. You said that they had gatherings every year?
Could you say a bit about those?
They’re absolutely lovely, because you go Friday to Sunday. You get to meet, there’s usually a couple of hundred parents that have gone that have lost children. And they do workshops. So you choose your workshop. It might be, ‘Death by suicide’, ‘Traumatic death’, ‘Death for parents that only; that have got no surviving children’. And you go on the workshops, which are in small groups of eight to ten and you all share your experiences, the good, the bad and the ugly really. And talk about things and the grieving process and, you know, sort of we all talk about our children and how they’ve died. But that’s very brief, and, and you share your experiences and you try and help other people, for the newly bereaved that are there.
Some of them have only lost their child six month ago. So its, you feel like an old-timer after you’ve been going a couple of years and you can, you can help them because when you’re in that level of despair you don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. And it’s nice for someone to say to you, “Well this is me, and I, I’ve made it and you, you’ll be all right.” Because at the time you just don’t think you’re ever going to survive.
So it’s very, very good, Yes.
And at the end of the day do they have a meal together?
We all have a meal. We all go to the bar. It’s not a morbid experience at all. Meet some other people. We have a laugh. We go to the bar. And then on the second evening in the afternoon we all go out for a walk and we all have a balloon with our child’s name on and release the balloon, which is lovely.
And in the evening we have a sit down meal. And it’s great because I meet up with people I only see once a year. And some, some of them have been going 25 years.
Dorothy went to a Scottish gathering of Compassionate Friends and used their internet chat room. She found she could relate to the other members and did not have to 'put on a mask'.
Dorothy went to a Scottish gathering of Compassionate Friends and used their internet chat room. She found she could relate to the other members and did not have to 'put on a mask'.
And then you said you got in contact with Compassionate Friends?
Compassionate Friends, that was when, that was a few months, that was probably about the end of the year December 2005. I was desperately looking on the internet to see if there was anything, and I came across the website, Compassionate Friends, and that was, that was an amazing help to me because at that point there was a sort of a chat, a chat room as well, and there was always somebody on there because, you know there was members that lived in Australia and Spain and whatever, so even at one o’clock in the morning, there was somebody on you know, and we could, that you could talk to and sort of see how you were feeling at that time. So the Compassionate Friends has been an amazing help to me, I mean I’m still, I still have contact with, I haven’t been, I haven’t been able to go to any of the groups ‘cos there are no groups near at hand here, I’ve been to one, the Scottish gathering. I would like to go this year, but we’ll probably be out of the country then, ah but its, you know it’s an amazing organisation, and its, I think the fact that you can just speak and say how you really are, how you really feel, rather than putting the mask on, I find now your all the time, you’re putting a mask on.
William found help via a similar organisation, called Care for the Family, a national charity which helps families who have suffered family breakdown, and which also supports bereaved parents.
Gatherings of people who have been bereaved, and who have lost a child, do not suit everyone. Rosemary and her husband attended a few small group meetings of Compassionate Friends but decided that the meetings were not for them, partly because some people who attended the group were consumed with guilt.
Erykah, whose brother was killed, found help via a support network called Mothers against Violence. Members work to eradicate violence and support those bereaved by violent crime. Men can also join.
Erykah saw herself as a survivor rather than a victim. She found help via Mothers against Violence. She also campaigned with the group.
Erykah saw herself as a survivor rather than a victim. She found help via Mothers against Violence. She also campaigned with the group.
I found help from Mothers Against Violence. A member of the group who had lost her son goes to the same church as my Nana does, so she heard about it, and she came round when it happened, and they attended the funeral. I don’t quite remember them actually, I was just, I was in a daze but they came to the funeral and then, they used to send letters of their meetings and things that was going on to me and my Mum, but we just, we wasn’t interested, it was too traumatic and I wasn’t ready for going and speaking to people or helping other people.
But it was persistent in the letters even though it wasn’t the, they’d come every month letters about what they was doing, and the work they was doing, and cards of hope, and it was those cards and perhaps the persistence which wasn’t in your face because you didn’t have to open the letters, that led me to join the group in the first place. And campaigning and doing what we do, and meeting with other people in the same situation is such a help.
Is it?
It’s amazing because you, you’re with Mums that have carried the you know the children for nine months who’ve lost, who are still sat round the table with you, and it’s only though, people that have lost in that way that can kind of understand what you’re going through. So it’s such a valuable support network. It it’s so underrated, it’s such a valuable support network, yes.
Do you have regular meetings?
We meet once a month but we’re constantly, daily, well I’m still like text, but we’re constantly on the phone, because I believe that we’re a victim of our own success.
So Mothers Against Violence have their meeting where anybody can come once a month?
Do you have that in this building?
We have it in this building, in this room, but additionally the meeting was once a month, it wasn’t so much as, it wasn’t so much as a “How are you feeling?” meet, it’s more “What can we do?” meeting. The meetings have never been meetings for victims, I always think of it as a meeting for survivors because it’s strong women and I must admit I don’t know why it’s women. We are Mothers against violence, but we are open to men.
We do have a few men in the group, but you know often up and down the country wherever we go, it’s only Mums and sisters that come out when loved ones have died, and we want to see change, we want to change something. We want to change something in our society, it’s not about pity it’s about strength, and it’s about supporting those who haven’t got the strength to do that. And we do have women that come to the group that do require support and don’t particularly want to go out and do the campaigning, and we give that as well.
Shortly before Ian’s brother was killed, Ian had been invited to a weekend Catholic counselling group for men. The group meets regularly for mutual support; it became a valuable outlet for Ian after his brother’s death.
Dean found support from RoadPeace, a UK charity which provides support for victims of road crashes and campaigns for justice and road safety. Others belonged to Brake, which has similar aims.
After Dean's son, Andrew, was hit by a car and died, a member of RoadPeace called Dean and offered help, support and useful advice.
After Dean's son, Andrew, was hit by a car and died, a member of RoadPeace called Dean and offered help, support and useful advice.
But then I found a lot of support from RoadPeace. RoadPeace was there from day one. It’s a remarkable organisation. The founder of RoadPeace was on the phone to me for over an hour, and she gave me so much support, and strength, and offered me advice, because I didn’t know where to turn, the police liaison officer just gave me a booklet and said, “Look in there you’ll find any organisation, these are the people if you wish to contact.” There was not a question of sitting down and going through it, this is what we wanted, the support from them to guide us through this thing. We just had to find our way through, and I found that RoadPeace was there for us.
Did they contact you initially?
Yes, RoadPeace contacted me; I didn’t contact them at all?
So how did they find you?
They must have read the story in the newspaper because the, the whole thing was in the local paper and so forth, and I was so pleased when she rang me.
What sort of advice did she give you?
She said, “I will be there to give you any support you want.” She arranged to come down, and they came, we met at home here, and we sat and we talked through various things, what line of action I should take, and the support, where to go and get the support; what help; and she was literally there 24'7 for me.
Martin joined the WAY (Widowed and Young) foundation after his wife was killed by a bus. WAY offers support and friendship to bereaved men and women up to the age of 50. Martin made good friends and tried to join in various activities, especially with the children, but after a while everyone else’s “sob stories” got him down.
After Dorothy’s son was killed in an industrial explosion, she contacted the Centre for Corporate Accountability, which looks at the role of the state in enforcing health and safety law and investigating work-related deaths and injuries. This charity gives free and independent advice. They advised her, and she also founded Families Against Corporate Killers (FACK). She also joined Compassionate Friends. Michael joined FACK after his son was killed at work.
Families bereaved when their relatives were killed in Bali in 2002 formed the UK Bali Bombing Victims Group. Jocelyn said it was therapeutic for people to share their feelings. Susanna agreed but said that it was hard to reach a consensus in some discussions when people in the group had little in common apart from their bereavement.
Some people who had been affected by the bombing in Bali or elsewhere, had joined Disaster Action, a charity set up and run by survivors and the bereaved from UK and overseas disasters.
Jocelyn chaired the UK Bali Bombing Victims Group. The group offered support to members and tried to find counselling for those who wanted it.
Jocelyn chaired the UK Bali Bombing Victims Group. The group offered support to members and tried to find counselling for those who wanted it.
I’d just like to move onto one other thing, the UK Bali Bombing Victims Group, which was set up, not by me, but by on the initiative of a wonderful fireman, who was there at the time, and some of the relatives and it grew into actually a very a quite a sort of cohesive body. There were a lot of issues related to the event that we addressed, and I think it was quite therapeutic for a lot of people, to sort of share their feelings, and a lot of friendships and warmth grew between different people there. I for some reason, and it may have been that I had to some extent; I think I recovered more quickly than some people, and I was asked to chair the UK Bali Bombing Group, which I did. I didn’t really want to frankly, but I thought it was the right thing to do, and they wanted me to do it, so I did it, and I tried, because there were, there were very different people, there was something like twenty, there were some with dual nationality, say about 28 families who had brothers, sons, husbands, whatever killed and there were of course a lot of people who had been injured, who should not be forgotten because they were traumatised too. And I saw how people reacted to it differently and how people recovered. There were a group of people who couldn’t really move forward. I know it was very, very sad and one would try to sort of organise counselling, and we even tried to get some money out of the government for that, and there was all problems about compensation, and you know, and issues like that. I mean some of the people were, were not, were not well off and it, you know, it was very, very difficult for them, and we tried to. But it was it was very interesting for me to see that, you know, some people were able to recover and move forward, and others less so. And in fact some cases, they even got worse, they got sort of stuck, and it was it was very it was, it was frightening actually. And you know people could not go back to work, and oh you know some of the, some of the cases were, were quite horrendous. And, but others were stronger, and I like to think that you know I made this early, conscious decision to move forward, you know, and not to blame people.
Lisa felt suicidal at times after two of her friends were murdered. Calling the Samaritans often gave her emotional support. ASSIST Trauma Care is another charity which offers people treatment, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), by a qualified therapist. (Some people we talked to had set up Charities themselves to prevent other violent deaths: see ‘Adjusting to life without the deceased’. Also see ‘Messages to others’ where people talk about the importance of seeking help after a traumatic death).
Last reviewed October 2015.
Last updated October 2011.
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