Recurrent Vulvovaginal Thrush
Profiles - Aged under 30

Aditi (she/her) is a straight woman. She is currently a student. Her background is Asian/Indian.

Ayesha (she/her) is a straight woman currently in a relationship. She works in learning and development. Her background is Pakistani.

Beth (she/her) is a bisexual woman currently completing a PhD. Her background is white British.

Billie (she/her) is a straight woman in a long-term relationship. She works as an accounts manager. Her background is white British.

Georgia (she/her) is a straight woman. She works as an administrator. Her background is white British. Interview clips read by an actor.
Harry (she/her) is a straight woman working as a human resource coordinator. Her ethnic background is white British.

Jody (she/they) is a bisexual woman who is married with two children (6 and 4). She works as a Community Developer and RSE educator. Her background is white British. Interview clips are read by an actor.

Lydia (she/her) is a straight woman. She works as an assistant practitioner. Her background is white British.

Rowan (she/her) is a bisexual woman. She is a full-time student. Her background is white British.

Sai (she/her) is a straight woman. She is a student studying physiotherapy. Her background is Indian.

Teddy (they/them) is a lesbian non-binary person. They work as a teaching assistant and part-time drag performer. Their background is white British.