Recurrent Vulvovaginal Thrush
Profiles - Aged 30-39

Anna (she/her) is a bisexual woman who is currently single. She is an actor and singer. Her background is mixed race. Interview read by an actor.
Beth Sarah

Beth Sarah (she/her) is a straight woman. She works as a Psychiatry Occupational Therapist. Her background is white British. Interview clips read by an actor.

Chloe is a straight woman. She has a 5-year-old son and works as an assistant psychologist. Her background is white British.

Elliott (they/them) is a non-binary trans person. They work as a support services manager at a charity. Their background is white British. Interview clips are read by an actor.

Emily (she/her) is a straight woman currently in a relationship. She works as a social media executive. Her background is white British.

Hannah is a straight woman. She works as a support worker. Her background is white British. Interview clips read by an actor.

Imani is a straight woman. She has a 15-year-old daughter and works as a social worker. Her background is Black South African. Interview clips read by an actor.

Imogen (she/her) works as a civil servant. Her background is white British.

Julia is a straight woman. She has two children, a 3-year-old and a 7-year-old. She works as a social worker. Her background is white British. Interview clips read by an actor.

Leah is a straight woman. She has a 6-year-old son and works in administration. Her background is white British. Interview clips read by an actor.

Nancy (she/her) is a straight woman who is married with two children who are aged 8 and 11 years. She works as an educator, peer supporter and scientist. Her background is white British. Interview clips read by an actor.

Sasha (she/her) is a straight woman. She has one child who is 10 years-old. She works as a support worker. Her background is Black British.

Zoya (she/her) is a straight woman. She is currently a stay-at-home mum who lives with her husband and two children (aged 3 and 1). Her background is British Pakistani.