
Sarah was 30 years old when she sustained her burn injury. Sarah sustained burn injuries to her back after a cooking accident in her kitchen. She took 9 months off work after the burn to recover. When she did return to work, she was able to work from home, which she felt grateful to be able to do.
Sarah lives with her husband and their children. Her ethnicity is White British.
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Sarah was 30 years old when she was involved in a cooking accident at home. She was cooking in her kitchen when her top caught fire from the hob behind her. Sarah didn’t realise that her top had caught alight until she started to smell burning. She looked at her reflection in the kitchen window and saw her top and hair on fire.
After managing to put out the fire by following the “stop, drop, and roll” technique, Sarah went to her neighbours house to ask for help. The neighbour advised Sarah that she needed to go to hospital urgently, so drove Sarah and her children to their local A&E department.
When Sarah arrived at A&E, she remembers walking in and people looking at her in shock. A nurse was nearby and quickly escorted Sarah to another department, saying “Come straight through, you can’t stay here”. This made Sarah realise that her burns were worse than she had originally thought. Sarah doesn’t recall much about what happened next in the hospital, other than that she was sent home and told to come back the next day.
Sarah’s parents took her to her appointment the next day where her burns were cleaned and new dressings applied. At the time of the burn, Sarah was breastfeeding, which meant that some treatments were not available to her. Instead, Sarah was told to go home and come back for a skin graft. By this point, Sarah said the adrenaline had “gone” and she started to feel really unwell.
Once a week Sarah would go to the hospital to have her dressings changed, and her partner would change them for her at home in-between hospital visits. It was a strange experience for Sarah to be cared for by someone else, as she has always been independent and was “usually the one that looks after everyone”. She said it was a change in the dynamic of her relationship, and it sometimes felt intrusive, though she preferred this to needing to go to hospital every other day.
In one way, Sarah looked forward to dressing changes because “then it was done for two days”, and she was able to see how much her burns were healing each time the dressings were removed. However, she said they were still “traumatic” and “painful”.
Sarah took around 9 months off work after she was burnt. Her work have always been “supportive” and flexible, allowing Sarah to work from home whilst she was recovering. Taking time off was “never an issue” and Sarah said that each time she needed to take time off because of her burn, her role was “waiting” for her when she came back.
Sarah’s advice to others who are in a similar situation, is to “be kind to yourself”.