Lily’s son was burnt aged 15 months old when a cup of hot tea was spilt on him. For six weeks after he was burnt, she attended regular appointments where his dressings would be changed. Sometimes Lily struggles with feelings of guilt.
Lily is a housewife and lives with her husband and their three children, aged 3, 9, and 10. Her ethnicity is Pakistani.
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Lily’s son was 15 months old when he sustained burns to his face and his left armpit after a hot cup of tea was spilt on him. Lily and her husband drove their son to A&E where they assessed the extent of his burn injuries. For the first 15 minutes after they arrived at A&E, Lily’s son did not receive any treatment, and this is something that bothers Lily as she was told his burns should have been under cool water straightaway.
After an hour and half in A&E, Lily was told that her son would need more specialised treatment at the local children’s hospital. An ambulance was called for them and they were taken to the children’s hospital, where her son was kept overnight. The next day, Lily was told by healthcare staff that it was ok for her to go home, but to return every day to have her son’s burn cleaned and his dressings changed. Lily’s son attended outpatient appointments for a total of 2 years before he was discharged from the hospital’s care.
When her son was burnt, Lily felt “in shock” at what had just happened. She felt concerned about whether his vision would be affected by the burn, as her son was not able to open his eye. Lily remembers “praying to God to please save his eye”.
Witnessing her son’s dressings being changed was an incredibly painful moment for Lily. Her son would be placed into a bath where his burn was cleaned to remove dead skin, Lily would sometimes close her eyes as it was so painful to watch.
Sometimes Lily would feel guilty and blame herself for what had happened. A psychologist she spoke to would remind her that it was an accident and it was not her fault. Lily felt grateful for the support she received from the psychologist, other burns healthcare staff, and her friends and family.