Patient and public involvement in research
Profiles - Involved for 10 years or more

Anne has worked in optics and was a specialist contact lens consultant. She later moved into health research and physics. She is widowed. Ethnic background: White British.

Carolyn has four children, including two step-children, aged 25, 26, 32 and 35. She worked in careers psychology and has retired from her job as Director of Career Development at a large English university. Ethnic background: White Irish.

Derek is married. He used to work as a teacher before becoming a freelance public and patient involvement (PPI) training facilitator. Ethnic background: White/Scottish.

Francesco is married with two children, aged 21 and 18. He is retired, but previously worked as a manager of a residential children’s home. Ethnic background: Italian.

Janice is married with one grown-up child, and a grandchild. She is a retired college lecturer. Ethnic background: White/British.

Kath is single. They have one child who is 17 but sadly lost another child after a lengthy chronic illness. They work as a consultant, training lay people to understand research and participate in PPI, and is undertaking a PhD in experiences of PPI.


Mary used to work in marketing before moving into the civil service. She currently works as a mental health service user consultant. Ethnic background: White British European.

Maxine is a retired academic librarian. She is married with two children, aged 48 and 42, and has two grandchildren. Ethnic background: Jamaican/British.

Richard is single and formerly worked as a senior manager in local government before giving up work to do patient and public involvement. Ethnic background: White British.
Roger B

Roger is married and has three daughters, aged 37, 35 and 28, and four grandsons. He is a former television producer and journalist, and has worked as a consultant with pharmaceutical companies and in education. Ethnic background: White British.

Rosie is divorced. She is a PhD student researching patient and public involvement in research. Ethnic background: White British.

Tom lives with his wife. He is retired but formerly worked as an electrical engineers. Ethnic background: White Scottish.