
Age at interview: 71
Brief Outline: Maggie has been a patient advocate in research for about 12 years. She got involved in health and medical research after she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Background: Maggie is retired, but worked as a health visitor for most of her career. Her daughter died of Reyes Syndrome when she was two years old. Ethnic background: White English.
More about me...
After she was diagnosed with breast cancer, Maggie joined a network of patient groups campaigning for better treatment for breast cancer patients, which later merged with another large national breast cancer charity. She attended a conference organised by the charity, where she was invited by a researcher to become a lay member on a steering group for a large breast cancer treatment trial. She found the research very interesting and saw how involving patients helped to overcome some of the barriers the trial faced. Because of this experience she joined a local research group and travelled to the USA to undertake a Project Lead Training course. This involved learning about science and research methodology and, whilst it didn’t make her a “scientist in a week”, it gave her a better understanding of research. She felt strongly that this type of training should take place in the UK, so, along with the other research group members, set up a group to offer training for patients throughout the UK. The aim of the group was to provide education, mentoring and support for people who had been treated for cancer and were interested in adding the patient perspective to research.
As a patient advocate, Maggie offers a patient perspective to researchers who are setting up a new trial, and advises organisations that provide patient and public involvement. Working on trials involves reading and commenting on documents about the research, including what the research is aiming to do and how this is communicated to participants. She also attends meetings to discuss the research with researchers, clinicians and other patient advocates. She also encourages researchers to think about what difference their projects will make for patients and thinks there should be more research done on the effects of cancer treatment on things like patients’ quality of life and relationships.
Maggie has found that researchers have been very positive about the difference involving patients makes to their research. She said the biggest indication of how valuable they see it is the large number of experienced and junior researchers who contact her organisation to ask for a patient perspective. She thinks one of the strengths of involving patients is that they can ask the “elephant in the room questions” because they aren’t there as employees, but as interested people. She said that patient advocates don’t need to be representative of all patients; they should draw on their own experience and training, and discuss things with other patients. She thinks that new patients should be encouraged to get involved in research and mentored to help them do so, but that it would be a shame to waste the expertise and skills of people who have been doing it for a long time. Maggie described her experience of being a patient advocate as seductive and exciting. She feels like she’s making a difference, which leads to research becoming more valuable and more beneficial to patients.
As a patient advocate, Maggie offers a patient perspective to researchers who are setting up a new trial, and advises organisations that provide patient and public involvement. Working on trials involves reading and commenting on documents about the research, including what the research is aiming to do and how this is communicated to participants. She also attends meetings to discuss the research with researchers, clinicians and other patient advocates. She also encourages researchers to think about what difference their projects will make for patients and thinks there should be more research done on the effects of cancer treatment on things like patients’ quality of life and relationships.
Maggie has found that researchers have been very positive about the difference involving patients makes to their research. She said the biggest indication of how valuable they see it is the large number of experienced and junior researchers who contact her organisation to ask for a patient perspective. She thinks one of the strengths of involving patients is that they can ask the “elephant in the room questions” because they aren’t there as employees, but as interested people. She said that patient advocates don’t need to be representative of all patients; they should draw on their own experience and training, and discuss things with other patients. She thinks that new patients should be encouraged to get involved in research and mentored to help them do so, but that it would be a shame to waste the expertise and skills of people who have been doing it for a long time. Maggie described her experience of being a patient advocate as seductive and exciting. She feels like she’s making a difference, which leads to research becoming more valuable and more beneficial to patients.
Maggie’s breast cancer group comments on leaflets for individual trials but also provides input to many local and national studies and organisations.
Maggie’s breast cancer group comments on leaflets for individual trials but also provides input to many local and national studies and organisations.
We're stakeholders with NICE. Now there's a lot of work there and we can't do it all but we can select certain things that we can send comments in about. We're, we have members who sit on different clinical study groups. We have people who are involved with things like London Cancer UCL Partners. We have members on the UK Confederation of Cancer Biobanks. We have two members who set up the Brains Trust, which is a brilliant organisation charity for people with brain tumours. We have members in various organisations so, and they all bring to the, you know, the melting pot. And we learn from each other as well as from professionals. And if we haven't got the, you know, if one of us gets a request and we feel we're not skilled enough in that field, we can send it round the group and found somebody who is better able to meet the need or we can learn more. And I think that is an essential part of the job is actually recognising your limitations and not giving people unrealistic expectations of what they can achieve, but encouraging them to develop and to be brave. And most people now, most researchers, most organisations are very encouraging and very welcoming of lay input, so it is, I think it's a lot easier but it's also getting more and more of a responsibility to do it properly.
Maggie went on a course in the US on cancer research and is now running a similar course in the UK. Learning from scientists has been amazing.
Maggie went on a course in the US on cancer research and is now running a similar course in the UK. Learning from scientists has been amazing.
So we set up our new group which is Independent Cancer Patient Voice, and the aim was to provide education, mentoring and support for people who had been treated for cancer and want to get more involved in the research, adding a patient perspective to that research. And we've been running workshops over one and two days. But we go to the academic centres around the UK, so that way we get a better geographic mix, but we also enable, it enables us to get a venue without charge, but we also get the teaching and it's, the scientists at these centres have been extremely enthusiastic and very supportive.
A good chair (lay or professional) will encourage everyone to contribute but without pushing them.
A good chair (lay or professional) will encourage everyone to contribute but without pushing them.
Maggie’s initial motivation was personal fascination with the research, but now she’s inspired by knowing it can help others.
Maggie’s initial motivation was personal fascination with the research, but now she’s inspired by knowing it can help others.
Hadn't a clue. I just knew that it wasn't so much getting involved to add a patient perspective initially. And I suppose when I first got involved with the coalition and then with Breakthrough, it was more to do with improving services and treatments for patients, and it was a sort of progression from that into the actual research. And when I got involved in the research it was more to do with learning about it and the fascination rather than adding a patient perspective, that grew from it. And I think it's been very inspiring, no, not inspiring, very motivational, realising how much it is appreciated by the researchers and how you can make a difference and it's an important difference and it makes the research much more valuable. But it also means that the research is actually for patient benefit and that the patients who take part in the research are properly looked after.
Maggie’s group comment on all types of cancer. They feel it’s important for someone’s experience to be recent but not too recent – but after a while you get ‘too used to doing it’.
Maggie’s group comment on all types of cancer. They feel it’s important for someone’s experience to be recent but not too recent – but after a while you get ‘too used to doing it’.
Maggie thinks that lay people can make a difference by asking ‘the elephant in the room question’.
Maggie thinks that lay people can make a difference by asking ‘the elephant in the room question’.
Maggie’s group told the research institute director they are not ‘representatives’. They don’t like the word ‘consumer’, but prefer ‘patient advocate’.
Maggie’s group told the research institute director they are not ‘representatives’. They don’t like the word ‘consumer’, but prefer ‘patient advocate’.