Nick Y

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In the confusion after his injury, Nick Y took responsibility even though he was not sure who caused it. He was later denied compensation because of this.

In the confusion after his injury, Nick Y took responsibility even though he was not sure who caused it. He was later denied compensation because of this.
Well as the driver came over I’m in this sea of pain because a 12 tonne bus has just run over my leg. I was absolutely in agony. I was in and out of consciousness I think and also my mouth tasted of tarmac. I sort of hit the road and banged my, you know. I saw this shape coming towards me and I said to him, “I’m sorry. It was my fault. I’m sorry.” And I think I was really saying, “Please help me.” Anyway I mention that because when it came to a criminal prosecution that excused the driver. They said, “Mr Black said it was his fault. End of case.”
Nick Y didn't feel he had enough information to make an informed choice about whether to reconstruct or amputate his leg. A reconstruction would have been less likely to succeed because of his age.

Nick Y didn't feel he had enough information to make an informed choice about whether to reconstruct or amputate his leg. A reconstruction would have been less likely to succeed because of his age.
Nick decided to wear a cosmesis because he did not like people staring at his leg, though he said he was beginning to feel more relaxed about this.

Nick decided to wear a cosmesis because he did not like people staring at his leg, though he said he was beginning to feel more relaxed about this.
Nick found out about benefits from a volunteer at the limb fitting centre who helped him to fill in the form, and through chatting to others at the centre.

Nick found out about benefits from a volunteer at the limb fitting centre who helped him to fill in the form, and through chatting to others at the centre.
I didn’t know. Having said that, I mean I just didn’t know but I must say as time went on I’d be talking to people in the gym and there’s a thing called the people’s transport lounge where you sit around for hours after gym waiting for an ambulance to bring us home. And it began to dawn on me everybody else was pretty well alert to benefits actually. I mean there’s much more alertness of benefits than we think. People like me at my age probably it’s a matter of pride. I don’t want any help. I’ve never had benefits. But I think there’s a much more sensible attitude amongst younger people. They are more aware that they may be entitled to claim something. So I think there’s more awareness out there. I really do actually.
Since his amputation, Nick Y is still learning about his limitations. He sometimes pushes himself too far.

Since his amputation, Nick Y is still learning about his limitations. He sometimes pushes himself too far.
Well they can be inflammation of the skin as I was saying earlier on when I had the bad leg on, or the swollen knee. So the problems I’ve had are inflammation of the skin and then this fear at the back, I thought have I got an infection? This burning sensation was it an infection? Swelling of the knee? What other problems have I had? I think they’ve been my problems personally. I’m sure other people have others. And also I really was in some pain a few weeks ago to do with the hamstring of my good leg. I’d somehow done something with this leg that had caused the hamstring to sort of, like footballers get, so it seized up. And it gradually got better so it was okay.
Nick Y and his son (Jamie) both had life-changing injuries. His way of making change was to take Jamie out and ensure he feels part of the world.

Nick Y and his son (Jamie) both had life-changing injuries. His way of making change was to take Jamie out and ensure he feels part of the world.
You hear about these wonderful people who see things are awful and then go and do something about it, you know, run the London Marathon to raise money or whatever it might be. I never actually did anything. My way of doing something was to do as much as I could with Jamie. Not as any kind of hero because he has minders who look after him. But he would come over here for instance for the day. I’d take him out. We used to go down the coast. I took him to the cinema, the theatre, you know, out for a posh meal. I took him for a meal several times to the Dorchester, posh hotel in London, because it kind of boosts his confidence, makes him feel he’s part of the world.
Nick Y worried about the way children are taught road safety by their parents.

Nick Y worried about the way children are taught road safety by their parents.
I feel quite strongly about this. When the river, I cycle along the river tow path and a lot of parents are with their children on cycles, you know, cycling along a busy tow path. And I’ve noticed often the kids on their bikes with their parents will go to their right as they are coming towards me, which is suicide if you’re doing that on a road. I really am nervous that children are not learning to keep left on roads. Anyway, so as an old git, whenever I’m cycling on the river path and I see a child – particularly a child; I don’t say this to grownups – if I see a child coming towards me on their right, i.e. coming headlong towards me. I say, “Go to the left.” And I often then find parents staring at me you know, being rude to their child.
Nick Y uses a walking stick on the tube which indicates his impairment to others. Initially if he was offered a seat he would politely decline, but now he accepts it.

Nick Y uses a walking stick on the tube which indicates his impairment to others. Initially if he was offered a seat he would politely decline, but now he accepts it.
At first just to balance, just for reassurance. That was all. A stick just gives you a little bit of reassurance, so that if you stumble you can catch yourself with it. I just don’t want to go around with a walking stick, which is a pure stupid vanity thing. But as I mentioned it’s quite useful on a crowded tube.
Nick Y's son, Jamie, also had a life-changing injury and has given his father a lot of support.

Nick Y's son, Jamie, also had a life-changing injury and has given his father a lot of support.
Anyway when I was in hospital he sent me a succession of texts on the mobile and he writes in this really strange style. He’s got a language all of his own, he really has. So I typed them up because I want to keep them. So this is a guy who’s quadriplegic, in a wheelchair. So this is February 11th, this is the day after the amputation or a couple of days after it. “Bonne nuit, goodnight, or good morning, amazingly brilliant Dad.” “Please keep motivated, be strong, as in the near future I’m looking forward to being your boson crew on the boat we’re hounding. And only if you think I’m capable…” I can’t read it. I still can’t. “Only if you think I’m capable of additionally being a co-pilot for our boat.” “Be it in sunny Cornwall or elsewhere.” I can’t read it. “I really don’t mind. Because is no matter life’s little injuries thrown our way we’ve strongly survived and we’re together wherever we are.” I can’t read it. Sorry. It was so nice I couldn’t believe it. He really wrote that from the bottom of his heart. “We’ve strongly survived and we’re together wherever we are I won’t care or mind. Lots and lots of adoring love. Jamie xxxxxx” Yeah. And I’ve scribbled a note here, “Cheered me up reading this going to and fro the hospital by ambulance”. This is when I was going back and forth to rehab yeah.
Nick Y's son, Jamie, also had a life-changing injury and has given his father a lot of support.

Nick Y's son, Jamie, also had a life-changing injury and has given his father a lot of support.
Nick Y didn't fully understand the implications of choosing between reconstruction and amputation of his leg. He wanted more verbal information.

Nick Y didn't fully understand the implications of choosing between reconstruction and amputation of his leg. He wanted more verbal information.
Nick Y joined the Limbless Association to get more information. He got lifelong membership after saying to himself; 'Accept it. You know you're limbless mate.'

Nick Y joined the Limbless Association to get more information. He got lifelong membership after saying to himself; 'Accept it. You know you're limbless mate.'