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Since her injury, Elcena changed her lifestyle and diet because she does not like to take medication for pain.
Since her injury, Elcena changed her lifestyle and diet because she does not like to take medication for pain.
I would just take some paracetamol if that, but if something more, then I need go to the doctor and get some co-proxamol, something different. Most important is that is actually looking after yourself, alternative to what you do, it’s actually looking after yourself. For instance, yes, I like going to meetings, but in your preparing for your meetings, don’t rush, don’t worry, because there’s always time to catch up once you get there. It’s good to be on time, but all these have to do with your wellbeing, your welfare, instead of always taking tablets and worrying about them, calm, you know, calm. It’s not going to go away. Alternative is a different method of looking after yourself, a different method of feeling, just invent a better of feeling, imagine yourself somewhere that is different. It’s not too difficult to do, because if you’re living with pain all the time, even now and then you just wish it would go away, you just calmly sit down, and you just listen for it. It’s gone. It’s there, but you’re there too, and once you learn these little techniques after a while you practice them and feel a little better in yourself. It doesn’t stop things. Like I said before that if I take, if I’m going to start walking, soon I walk a little way, without anything my leg is going to start to tell me, because I will start dragging behind me, my shoe’s trying to fall off my foot, you know, they do. Then I say to myself it’s time, you know. You get to know your body, and alternative medicine mean you learn to know your body and when it’s talking to you, you listen. And this is something that individual have to learn themselves. It makes a lot of difference.
Elcena thinks car manufacturers have been listening and taking mobility needs into account. Her car did not need to be adapted.
Elcena thinks car manufacturers have been listening and taking mobility needs into account. Her car did not need to be adapted.
And tell me about your particular car. Did you have to have any modifications done to it?
Elcena prefers to drive around London, but lack of parking and traffic make it difficult. She thinks disabled people should budget for parking tickets.
Elcena prefers to drive around London, but lack of parking and traffic make it difficult. She thinks disabled people should budget for parking tickets.