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Bridget's father told her that her partner had been killed in the car crash. She said it was one of the hardest things he'd ever had to do.
Bridget's father told her that her partner had been killed in the car crash. She said it was one of the hardest things he'd ever had to do.
She couldn't go back to work after her brain injury, but Bridget's insurance will pay her as if she is working until she reaches retirement age.
She couldn't go back to work after her brain injury, but Bridget's insurance will pay her as if she is working until she reaches retirement age.
Although I had been with my job six months when I had the accident and, therefore, I didn’t have any employment protection, but they had a BUPA scheme so they kept paying me, I think, I’m not sure, for some period of time. I don’t know how many months it was. But, I would say, I was very fortunate. My sister who’s slightly older than me was working for Sun Life Insurance and she had sold me...When I started my job, I didn’t have any employment protection for the first twelve months. Because I was a personnel professional I needed to get it. So, she sold me a permanent health insurance scheme, which was in operation when I had the accident, which meant that I am now paid by my insurance as if I were working until I reach retirement age, less state benefits and I’m very, very grateful for that. Because, you know, if I hadn’t had that it would have been much more difficult. So I can’t remember what the question was.
Bridget didn't tell people she dated about her brain injury because it may have given them a bad impression. She is now in a long-term relationship and has told her partner.
Bridget didn't tell people she dated about her brain injury because it may have given them a bad impression. She is now in a long-term relationship and has told her partner.
Bridget explains the strategies she uses to remember the names of people she meets and routes she needs to take.
Bridget explains the strategies she uses to remember the names of people she meets and routes she needs to take.
I did see somebody at one stage who told me various things, which I’ve never forgotten, like if you want to remember a person’s name link it to something that means something to you. So you meet Alice and she goes with Alice in Wonderland, you know, it’s that sort of thing. And it’s hard work, you can’t do it all the time, but on occasions when I want to, I can do that. And I’ve never forgotten that, so yeah, I mean there are, there have been memory... And the spatial orientation thing, you know, forgetting the way, the way to go to places. I know the way to do it because I was taught it, is, you know, you’ve got to make sure if you going on a route, you know, is there a Lloyds, you know, do you turn right at the Lloyds bank? Do you, you know, pass the Sainsbury’s? All that sort of thing, the physical practical things. I was taught all that as well.
Bridget told her new employer about her injury and that because of her insurance she could work for free. She left the job because she was ridiculed about her memory problems.
Bridget told her new employer about her injury and that because of her insurance she could work for free. She left the job because she was ridiculed about her memory problems.
Bridget's partner was killed in the accident in which she sustained her brain injury. When she was ready she began online dating.
Bridget's partner was killed in the accident in which she sustained her brain injury. When she was ready she began online dating.
I would say on the relationship thing. I mean my partner was killed. I very much loved him. We were going to live together for the rest of our lives and everything. And I think it took me a long time to, I was at an age where I knew all my friends. Had met all the men that were likely and all that. And I decided to do internet dating because I think I wanted to meet somebody. I didn’t know if I wanted to live with anybody again, but I certainly wanted to meet somebody and there wasn’t anybody out there. And I just think don’t be frightened of internet dating. If you work at it, if you do it well, you protect yourself, don’t give any personal information out until you know you’re ready for it, you, you know, you can meet somebody and life can be… I mean when you reach your mid 30s all your friends are married with they’ve got young children. You know, what, yes, what do you do about it? Anyway I’d say don’t be frightened about internet dating as long as you take care.
On the Tube, people bump into Bridget because her brain injury isn't obvious, but she likes the fact that she can hide her injury.
On the Tube, people bump into Bridget because her brain injury isn't obvious, but she likes the fact that she can hide her injury.