Bill and Catherine

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He doesn't hate the girl who caused his injury, but Bill cannot forgive her. The experience has been too traumatic for him.
He doesn't hate the girl who caused his injury, but Bill cannot forgive her. The experience has been too traumatic for him.
And I think they were grateful for that, so I don’t know how other people would deal with it, but that’s the way I dealt with it, you know, because if she had deliberately, you know, done a stupid move or manoeuvre or anything, you know. But it wasn’t; she thought she had a green arrow there and she just made a split decision well a decision in a moment of a time, you know, a split second decision. And got it wrong. And you know, I shouldn’t hate her for that. But she doesn’t deserve forgiveness. Maybe I will at some point in life, I don’t know. Maybe? I don’t know.
Catherine, a former nurse, cared for her husband (Bill) in hospital. Although he received good care, she would have liked staff to react faster to things.
Catherine, a former nurse, cared for her husband (Bill) in hospital. Although he received good care, she would have liked staff to react faster to things.
Bill: I shouldn’t have gone in the bath either, I was a very naughty patient.
The medication Bill was prescribed in hospital was not working for him, so he decided to stop taking it. He was referred to a pain clinic and his prescription was changed. His new regime allows him to have a good quality of life.
The medication Bill was prescribed in hospital was not working for him, so he decided to stop taking it. He was referred to a pain clinic and his prescription was changed. His new regime allows him to have a good quality of life.
Initially, Bill felt 'buoyant', but worried about starting rehabilitation. Staff motivated him by introducing him to other people whose injuries were more extensive than his.
Initially, Bill felt 'buoyant', but worried about starting rehabilitation. Staff motivated him by introducing him to other people whose injuries were more extensive than his.
Bill: Yeah, I was, but I was also beginning to feel the disability. So the first mind game that they played on me was they sat me in a in with other amputees and the guy next to me wasn’t even English. I don’t know what nationality he was, but he couldn’t speak English and he’d flung himself in front of the train and he’d lost both his legs above the knee, very high above the knee. He’d lost an arm and he’d lost part of his – I’m not sure which hand it was, right or left hand – but he’d lost part of his hands, his fingers. And all he had left was a leg like this. I’m sure it was deliberate, because even though I was feeling buoyant, it was like trepidation to move forward. What am I going to do now? You know, but it had the beneficial effect of actually saying, well I’ve only lost, I’ve only lost my leg. This guy’s lost two legs. And an arm. And you think, how is he going to cope? And it’s like you know, thankful for small mercies, you know, I’ve only lost a leg. Bad enough isn’t it?
Getting into his wheelchair for the first time after his amputation showed Bill that recovery was possible.
Getting into his wheelchair for the first time after his amputation showed Bill that recovery was possible.
Bill: I could get on that bus. I decided against it. I may be naughty, but I’m not that naughty. I … So I went back to the ward, but it taught me something, that, you know, you can get to places and you could rehabilitate and once you got rid of the infection and you get your strength back then perhaps, you know, it wasn’t the end of my life.
Bill could not get a prosthetic leg to fit comfortably and eventually gave up trying. He now uses crutches and a wheelchair to get around.
Bill could not get a prosthetic leg to fit comfortably and eventually gave up trying. He now uses crutches and a wheelchair to get around.
Bill: It never went away from me, that’s why I give up eventually.
Catherine said that her husband was euphoric when he came home, but he became depressed for several reasons including the home environment.
Catherine said that her husband was euphoric when he came home, but he became depressed for several reasons including the home environment.
Initially he had he the euphoria of coming home and being at home, discharged, and the children were really pleased to see him as well. But it didn’t take very long for him to get depressed and he was also having angry outbursts, particularly at the children, like if they left a toy in the way of his wheelchair or something, it would be something minor and he’d just go over the top in telling them off. He was on a lot of drugs. So he wasn’t really totally compos mentis he was sleeping a lot of the day. My daughter has come out with a couple of things that have been said. She doesn’t say very much, but one of the things she said was, “When the surgeons cut my Dad’s leg off, they also took away all his happiness.” That was how she felt. Actually now cannot actually remember him before the accident, just like me taking out photographs and showing what he was like and things like that.
Bill applied for benefits when he was in hospital, but didn't get them until after his discharge. He says don't underestimate the psychological impact of your injury.
Bill applied for benefits when he was in hospital, but didn't get them until after his discharge. He says don't underestimate the psychological impact of your injury.
Bill: The mental, the mental trauma is, it’s a significant part of disability. Very significant. And it doesn’t help that the side effects of the drugs as well. So just be careful how you evidence things I would say to people.
It is important to get the right lawyer working on his case, so Bill sacked one and got another one who he had more faith in.
It is important to get the right lawyer working on his case, so Bill sacked one and got another one who he had more faith in.
Bill says you should question the experts working on your case. They need to do their best for you and consider your future when seeking compensation.
Bill says you should question the experts working on your case. They need to do their best for you and consider your future when seeking compensation.
Bill describes how he felt when he found out he was being watched by his insurance company.
Bill describes how he felt when he found out he was being watched by his insurance company.
Bill said that body image was not a priority for the NHS, but it is very important to survivors of life-changing injuries.
Bill said that body image was not a priority for the NHS, but it is very important to survivors of life-changing injuries.
Bill wanted to take part in research about using titanium to re-grow bone after amputation, but the time wasn't right for him or his family. He would like to volunteer in future, but fears he may be too old.
Bill wanted to take part in research about using titanium to re-grow bone after amputation, but the time wasn't right for him or his family. He would like to volunteer in future, but fears he may be too old.
Bill said that inaccessible buildings created problems for him that he wished his children did not have to see.
Bill said that inaccessible buildings created problems for him that he wished his children did not have to see.
Catherine: Infection. Back into hospital. He drove home first.
The first time he drove his adapted car, Bill felt liberated.
The first time he drove his adapted car, Bill felt liberated.
But eventually I asked whether or not he could have asked the insurance company, but the accident wasn’t my fault, whether or not they’d buy me an automatic car, because I had a manual car. It was quite new the car wasn’t it that we had, it was only two years old? I think we were still paying for it I think at the time, so you know, very small mileage on it. But I couldn’t drive it. And eventually we got an automatic car. And I remember getting into this car, when we picked it up or it was delivered. I think it was delivered. And I went out and drove it for the first time and I felt so liberated because I could feel I was going somewhere at the speed that was normal, and I felt part of the world again, and after that I started, started carrying keys, started having money in my pocket, credit cards, and started doing things again. But it was the point of being able to control my life again in a manner that I was able at the speed that was normal, but turned me out of the morose that I was beginning to go under.
Catherine's daughter said, 'When the surgeons cut my dad's leg off, they took away his happiness'. The children never knew when their dad would have an angry outburst.
Catherine's daughter said, 'When the surgeons cut my dad's leg off, they took away his happiness'. The children never knew when their dad would have an angry outburst.
Bill and Catherine described their children as thoughtful and good.
Bill and Catherine described their children as thoughtful and good.