Intensive care: Experiences of family & friends
Suman Prinjha

Is an anthropologist and obtained her PhD in 1999 from the London School of Economics. She has been a Senior Researcher for Health Experiences Research Group, Department of Primary Health Care, University of Oxford since 2001.
Advisory Panel
Alasdair Short
Consultant Physician, Critical Care Unit, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford
Colin and Andrea Ballard
Interview Participants
Kathy Rowan
Director, Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC)
Margaret Branthwaite
Retired Intensive Care Consultant and Barrister
Melanie Gager
ICU Follow-up Sister, Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading
Rachel Miller
DIPEx Steering Group member
Simon Carmel
Lecturer in Health Sciences, University of Essex
Stephen Brett
Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital, London
Sue Ziebland
Chair, Research Director, Health Experiences Research Group, Department of Primary Health Care, University of Oxford.
We would like to thank Duncan Young (ICU consultant) and Debbie Bennell (ICU nurse) and all the participants and health professionals who helped us with this research.
Supported by:
ICNARC - Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre
Aims to foster improvements in the organisation and practice of critical care (intensive and high dependency care) in the UK.