Rachel ' Interview 25
Rachel and her husband adopted two girls after deciding to stop treatment.
Rachel is a pre-school special needs teacher. She lives with her husband (John ' 26) and two adopted daughters. Ethnic background' White British.
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Rachel and her husband John met and married when Rachel was in her late thirties. So when they wanted to start a family and nothing happened in a few months, they went to the GP. They were referred for tests at their local hospital, which revealed a growth on one of her ovaries that could have been causing a hormone imbalance. After an operation to remove the cyst, she tried Clomid. But this was not successful, so they then asked to be referred for IVF treatment. There was a very long wait. In the meantime they found out about a fertility treatment, being run in a city some miles away, which offered non-invasive treatment, based on monitoring blood hormone levels. They started this treatment but after months of blood tests and heartbreak, it looked as though Rachel was going in to early menopause. So she and her husband decided to stop treatment. After a break they started to apply for adoption, and at the time of the interview had had their adopted daughters living with them for nine months.