Jenni - Interview 09

Jenni had a happy childhood with her adoptive family, and started to get depressed as a teenager. Years later she heard voices so went to her GP. She was sectioned and spent a month in hospital. Now she feels much better and is now in a full time job
Jenni is 30, lives in London, works in business and has no children. She describes herself as mixed race, lives in a shared house and is currently doing a number of courses. Ethnic Background' Mixed
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Looking back, she said that she should have gone to get help for depression ten years before she did. She had a very supportive flat-mate who helped her confidence, took her shopping and bought nice clothes. She also took Jenni out clubbing and she had never really done that. Jenni has had cognitive behavioural therapy and found this hard in the beginning, but it was good to talk about feelings and problems she experienced. Jenni says she is now more self-reliant and proud of herself as she had to be quite ‘resourceful’, reading a lot of websites and books. Jenni is now on Lamotragine, Abilify and Citalopram, doesn’t report any side effects, and is now in full-time employment in business. She has done yoga, sings in a church group and has been to a support group.
Jenni talks about her happy childhood, then later being a 'moody teenager' before 'everything went awful' at university.
Jenni talks about her happy childhood, then later being a 'moody teenager' before 'everything went awful' at university.
So this went on for a few years, and then I went to the doctor and he gave me a leaflet about anxiety. So it was a case of first I was depressed, and then I had anxiety. But he didn’t treat me, or tell me anything. He just said, “Come back.” But I never went back, I just went away with, thinking that I was, that I had anxiety.
Jenni found that she could smell things strongly, and thought that television programmes were made for her, but now thinks bizarre early life experiences and her subconscious had been 'tipping her over the edge'.
Jenni found that she could smell things strongly, and thought that television programmes were made for her, but now thinks bizarre early life experiences and her subconscious had been 'tipping her over the edge'.
Because I had, I did have interest, bizarre experiences growing up, like my adopted Mum she’s very aggressive and quite frightingly bitchy and stuff like that. And I think I was very scared as a little girl. Of her, and like her losing her temper and stuff. She was very cold and callous, and like imagine you’re a nice homely mummy, but they’re like that. It’s like, it’s enough to tip anyone off the edge you know. But like the other types of things that happened was I’d be watching the telly and my perception would be that what they were saying related to me. I’ve heard this one before, but it’s’ different to how you think when it actually happens. It’s like, like it, it’s like, it’s like you’re learning, but you’re very conscious that you’re learning. Because it seems so relevant. You’re like picking up really loads of tools, kind of thing. You’re like wow, wow, wow, this is interesting. This is interesting. And like, you’re like God, thank God I watched the telly. Thank God I watched that programme. It really enlightened me. So it’s very subtle, but it’s like your perception of reality is like a bit distorted. Because to any one else, it’s like oh yeah I watched that TV programme. That was interesting. But to me, it’s like oh God. It’s heaven sent. Do you know what I mean. Yes. It’s like that
Jenni didn't like the first doctor who gave her a diagnosis of schizophrenia and thought he might be racist.
Jenni didn't like the first doctor who gave her a diagnosis of schizophrenia and thought he might be racist.
He was just really like abrupt. I don’t know if he was racist, he was white, but he was really like, oh you’ve got schizophrenia. It’s the onset of schizophrenia and he basically acted like there was no hope for me. Whereas other people are like, “Oh you’ll get better.” And giving me practical advice like, wash yourself, go for some exercise, eat vegetables and fruit, and do you know what I mean? All the like practical skills that people have in life, but they go, they go out the window when you become unwell, because you kind of lose your grip on everything. So, no one was giving practical advice, they were just writing me off basically. That doctor.
Jenni says with drugs and alcohol 'you can just get so out of your depth'.
Jenni says with drugs and alcohol 'you can just get so out of your depth'.
God, in moderation and with the right people, they’re okay. But you shouldn’t. You can just get so out of your depth with those kind of things. Yeah, that’s my experience.
Jenni can now cope with people doing drugs around her.
Jenni can now cope with people doing drugs around her.
Jenni wanted a lot of help to get her life back on track. She joined a help group, sought help from her doctor, and found out about her condition.
Jenni wanted a lot of help to get her life back on track. She joined a help group, sought help from her doctor, and found out about her condition.
Yeah. It was very difficult, because like life, there’s no like a, no one’s standing there handing it to you on a plate. So you have to be quite resourceful, so I read a lot of websites. I went to book shops and read some books. And recently I’ve joined a group. Like a help group, which will help, and obviously I had my nurse and my doctor which helped me once, once I came out. So that was good. I had a lot of support with getting the areas of my life fixed up. So finances. Career. That kind of thing. Like a lot of professional support. And yes, I felt very dependent, but I felt like, I just felt negative about the whole thing, but then, yeah, looking back it’s like, how did I survive, I suppose? But you just do, do you know what I mean, you just get on with it? Like people who have physical conditions, they, like a backache or something, or broken leg or something like, disabled people they just get on with it I suppose and that’s what you do. And the fact is, that I was always told, oh you’ll get better. You’ll get better. Which was really important.
Jenni hasn't experienced any side effects from the antipsychotic, mood stabiliser and antidepressant drugs she is taking.
Jenni hasn't experienced any side effects from the antipsychotic, mood stabiliser and antidepressant drugs she is taking.
I changed drugs after I went to visit my birth family. I changed drug, and the new drug was better for me.
What was the new drug?
Citalopram or something like that. Now I’m on three medications. I’m on a antipsychotic an antidepressant, and a mood stabiliser, and together they work. They make me feel better. I never, I thought, oh God people think oh God what a burden, like having to take three medicines a day. That means you’re not better. But it means that I am better, do you know what I mean? Yes.
So you’ve had quite a good experience?
Yes. Yes. The only thing is before I went to hospital, and then while I was at hospital, I put on a lot of weight, and they say that the drugs, make you, make it harder for you to lose weight, because they increase your appetite and they slow down your metabolism. So people blame it on the drug, but really it’s the condition, and I think that it’s better to take your medicine and feel well, and try and lose the weight really, yeah.
And have you experienced any side effects at all?
No. Apparently, there’s lots, but I’ve never had side effects. I’ve been so lucky.
So no drowsiness or anything like that?
No. I mean, the only drowsiness I had was the illness. Yeah.
I’m on three drugs. One’s called Lamotrigine One’s called Citalopram and ones called Abilify. It’s called Abilify, yes.
And do you talk to the doctor about dosage and stuff like that?
Yeah I was very quick at picking it up see, you just get the medicine once a month, and you take one of each a day. And you can take it whenever you like. Because I don’t have side effects, it doesn’t matter what I take it. But say if it makes you drowsy, you’re meant to take it at night time, so then you can go to sleep. But I really didn’t experience anything from them. So I didn’t have to worry about that.
Jenni says that CBT gave her the skills to handle her current situation, including her problems with relationships.
Jenni says that CBT gave her the skills to handle her current situation, including her problems with relationships.
Like if you are talking about psychoanalysis, you’re talking about your childhood and like problems in the past, but CBT is more like, I’m having a problem with this woman at work. How should I handle it? And they give you skills and tips to handle your current situation, rather than digging up into your past about why it’s happened. Yes. So that’s really good. I think the NHS uses that type of therapy.