Mary Ann - Interview 16
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Mary Ann stopped taking drugs and drinking when she got pregnant with her son. Now she drinks far less often because she would prefer to spend time with her son. She wants to work with children, and had wanted to become a paediatric nurse, but didn’t get into college on the last two attempts. Now she is rethinking her options.
Mary Ann, at age eleven was offered skunk by her friend's older brother. The feeling scared her and she ended up going to hospital. (Played by an actress)
Mary Ann, at age eleven was offered skunk by her friend's older brother. The feeling scared her and she ended up going to hospital. (Played by an actress)
I’d never had an experience of anything like that before so obviously it was really scary, I was only eleven, I wasn’t even in upper school, so it was really scary and I had to go home, I had to tell my Mum, and she tried to calm down and she took me to the hospital, and then it turned out like obviously I was fine because it’s not really a harsh drug is it? If you’re just not used to the whole experience of it you just don’t really know what to expect. So that was the first time I ever did Skunk and then I completely, you know, and it scared the living life out of me so I didn’t [laughs] touch it.
Mary Ann thinks that she started getting drunk to fit in with friends (Played by an actress).
Mary Ann thinks that she started getting drunk to fit in with friends (Played by an actress).
Mary Ann’s hangovers seem worse these days. Having a son has meant changing her drinking habits (Played by an actress)
Mary Ann’s hangovers seem worse these days. Having a son has meant changing her drinking habits (Played by an actress)
Taking cocaine and alcohol to escape her problems just made Mary Ann feel worse. (Played by an actress)
Taking cocaine and alcohol to escape her problems just made Mary Ann feel worse. (Played by an actress)
But when I was seventeen, I’ve been in a violent relationship since I was fifteen as well, so kind of I think all that adds to it as well, but then obviously not living at home and having that stability, no obviously I know it’s my own fault but, and then as I was seventeen really bad experience happened in my life and I turned to Cocaine because I was working as a well so I had money, I had no child then, and every single weekend, even during the week I was just going out and, that was my escape route, but then every morning I would just feel so down and depressed and everything would just seem a thousand times worse, but then I’d go out and do it again and that’s all I wanted to do, I didn’t want to deal with anything head on I just wanted to go and just get obliviated that’s what I wanted to do, that was my aim.
On one occasion Mary Ann experimented with mephedrone and hallucinated. She would never use it again. (Played by an actress)
On one occasion Mary Ann experimented with mephedrone and hallucinated. She would never use it again. (Played by an actress)
Mary Ann started using cocaine at the age of 16 and regularly used it at weekends (Played by an actress)
Mary Ann started using cocaine at the age of 16 and regularly used it at weekends (Played by an actress)
Mary Ann’s drug and alcohol use got worse after her boyfriend was sent to prison. She didn’t know how to cope with the situation. (Played by an actress)
Mary Ann’s drug and alcohol use got worse after her boyfriend was sent to prison. She didn’t know how to cope with the situation. (Played by an actress)
Mary Ann's dad bought her alcopops when she was 10. Alcohol has been a major part of Mary Ann’s life since she was 13 and has caused her a lot of problems. (Played by an actress)
Mary Ann's dad bought her alcopops when she was 10. Alcohol has been a major part of Mary Ann’s life since she was 13 and has caused her a lot of problems. (Played by an actress)
Alcohol I think I’ve kind of always been around alcohol, I’ve kind of been brought up with it because my Dad’s a very big drinker, he’s still is to this day, always has been, I think he always will but I don’t think he’ll ever change he’s fifty, so, and he’s been a big drinker since he has been young, since he’s been old enough to drink, so but that’s caused him a lot of problems, well how, how I look at him, like he runs his own business but he’ll go on, big sessions, about two or three times a week and how the hell he runs his own business I have no idea, it worries me sick because he has Crohn’s Disease and he only has half a stomach, so he doesn’t eat a lot, so he can’t eat a lot either, so when he goes out and he’s drinking for like ten, twelve hours, and he’s drinking all this, and he takes him about two, three days to recover, and he literally just can’t move out of bed, so and he’s trying to run a business while doing this as well. So that’s always worried me and obviously growing up I used to go the pub with him and I just used to have alcohol, like around me, and I’d, just he would buy me alcohol as well which obviously some people would just think, oh I do personally think it’s bad because I would never do it with my son, but I think the first time my Dad brought me drink, and this is no word of a lie, I was about ten and he brought me, I always remember them, little bottles of they were called Reefer, and they was only like alcopops and I always remember that, yeah I was about ten, and that’s kind of like, and then from then on, I think, from the age of thirteen when I went to upper school I started smoking a little bit more Skunk, but I didn’t really like it so I just never smoked it. And then, but from the age of thirteen alcohol has been a major part of my life, like [xxxxx] and I think that’s what’s caused a lot of my problems.
One of Mary Ann's friends was raped in a park when they had all been drinking heavily, at the age of 13. (Played by an actress)
One of Mary Ann's friends was raped in a park when they had all been drinking heavily, at the age of 13. (Played by an actress)
[Affirmative noise] paralytic, para, absolutely steaming.
Mary Ann thinks that problems will be made worse by turning to drink and drugs. (Played by an actress)
Mary Ann thinks that problems will be made worse by turning to drink and drugs. (Played by an actress)
As soon as Mary Ann realised she was pregnant she stopped smoking and had almost no alcohol during the rest of the pregnancy. (Played by an actress)
As soon as Mary Ann realised she was pregnant she stopped smoking and had almost no alcohol during the rest of the pregnancy. (Played by an actress)