Kasim & Karis - Interview 25 & 26

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Kasim’s group at school spent their time smoking rather than studying but he takes responsibility for his own actions.
Kasim’s group at school spent their time smoking rather than studying but he takes responsibility for his own actions.
Kasim and Karis have changed their attitude to alcohol as they have got older. They no longer ‘drink to get drunk’.
Kasim and Karis have changed their attitude to alcohol as they have got older. They no longer ‘drink to get drunk’.
Has your behaviour also changed regarding alcohol, how much alcohol do you take?
Kasim and Karis describe what it’s like to live in a council estate where drugs are a problem.
Kasim and Karis describe what it’s like to live in a council estate where drugs are a problem.
Some members of Karis’ family smoked cannabis when she was growing up.
Some members of Karis’ family smoked cannabis when she was growing up.
As a teenager, Kasim was trying to understand who he was. He says weed helped him with that.
As a teenager, Kasim was trying to understand who he was. He says weed helped him with that.
Karis and Kasim think that cannabis has made them less motivated.
Karis and Kasim think that cannabis has made them less motivated.
Karis and Kasim say that anyone can be a drug dealer and have noticed that the police are stopping and searching people who don’t fit the 'hoodie' stereotype.
Karis and Kasim say that anyone can be a drug dealer and have noticed that the police are stopping and searching people who don’t fit the 'hoodie' stereotype.
Karis says that she looks better since cutting down her cannabis use.
Karis says that she looks better since cutting down her cannabis use.
Kasim and Karis think that drug awareness programmes in schools need to be fun and delivered by young people with personal experiences.
Kasim and Karis think that drug awareness programmes in schools need to be fun and delivered by young people with personal experiences.
Karis finds it 'liberating' to talk to her counsellor rather than her family or friends about her problems.
Karis finds it 'liberating' to talk to her counsellor rather than her family or friends about her problems.
Karis' Yes I will carry on, yeah because I mean, you know, you don’t know even for me like when I went to go see her for the first time and like she just asked me a couple of questions and stuff. And like you know, sort of like my thought patterns sort of thing like and stuff like that. Yeah she’s, she could tell you things that you probably didn’t know about yourself. You know things like that and it’s really good because you don’t know until you actually see someone professional, do you know what I mean.
Kasim has worked with young people and done some volunteering. Now he’s planning to train to become a hairdresser.
Kasim has worked with young people and done some volunteering. Now he’s planning to train to become a hairdresser.
Karis and Kasim urge other young people to work hard at school.
Karis and Kasim urge other young people to work hard at school.
Now that they are older, Karis and Kasim appreciate how upsetting their hostile, angry attitude must have been for their families.
Now that they are older, Karis and Kasim appreciate how upsetting their hostile, angry attitude must have been for their families.
Kasim: Yeah I realise that as well.
Kasim says that smoking weed is as much part of his daily routine as brushing his teeth.
Kasim says that smoking weed is as much part of his daily routine as brushing his teeth.
Karis and Kasim used to spend £10 a day on weed. They can’t afford to now that they have food shopping, rent and bills to pay.
Karis and Kasim used to spend £10 a day on weed. They can’t afford to now that they have food shopping, rent and bills to pay.
Kasim' It’s around but I have friends like near enough every one of my friends smoke weed so like do you know what I mean if I haven’t got it they have sort of thing. You know, you just like share a spliff or whatever. But yeah it’s like around.