Breast Screening

The UK breast screening programme

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK and 1 in 8 women in the UK develop breast cancer during their lifetime (Cancer Research UK 2015). Breast screening is a method of detecting breast cancer at a very early stage, which involves taking an x-ray - a mammogram - of each breast. The mammogram can detect small changes in breast tissue which may indicate cancers that are too small to be felt either by the woman herself or by a doctor.

The National Health Service Breast Screening Programme (NHSBSP) was set up in 1988. Women between the ages of 50 and 70 are routinely invited for free screening every three years. In some areas, women aged 47 to 49 and 71 to 73 also receive invitations for screening. This is part of a study looking at whether to extend the breast screening age range. Screening is for all well women without symptoms, whether they have a family history of breast cancer or not.

Breast screening is an important way to detect cancer early and around a third of breast cancers are diagnosed through screening (according to The Department of Health's Improving Outcomes: A Strategy for Cancer - January 2011). It is not the only way breast cancer is detected, though, and it is important women be 'breast aware' (check their breasts regularly).

Any woman who is concerned about her breasts should see her GP, regardless of her age. If she needs further tests, she will be referred to a breast clinic. This is outside the NHS Breast Screening Programme, which uses a routine call and recall system to invite well women without symptoms, but the same techniques are used in breast screening clinics and hospital breast clinics for diagnosing breast cancer and many staff work in both settings (see 'Diagnostic mammograms in the UK').

Many of the women we spoke with had heard of the NHS breast screening programme before they received their first invitation. Women who'd worked in the health field were particularly familiar with the programme and had access to a lot of information on both breast screening and breast cancer. Others told us that, although they were aware of the programme, they didn't know what to expect of the actual mammogram procedure. A few women, whose first language was Cantonese, hadn't heard about breast screening until they'd received the invitation letter. Their children translated it and the accompanying information leaflet for them. Information on breast screening is available in other languages from the NHS Breast Screening Programme.


She works in the health field and has enough information about breast screening.

She works in the health field and has enough information about breast screening.

Age at interview: 50
Sex: Female

Well this was the first mammogram I've ever had and I didn't feel at all anxious about it. I mean you know that when you reach 50 you're going to have a mammogram and, in some ways, because I work with sort of women of my, the same age, we all sort, you know we talk about it, there's no anxiety involved at all. But also, because we are dealing with patients who have cancer, breast cancer, we realise the importance of having it now. You know, if it's detected early enough that the treatment is positive.

Well, it's sort of considered to be a sort of, how can I put it? A rite of passage, really. You know when you reach fifty, that's it, you go for your mammogram and I don't know, we just talk about it here and, you know, some people say “oh, it's painful” and no, we just, how can I put it? We just accept it, it's no big deal and. As I say, we all sort of enquire how it all went and you know, the results and things like that.


She hadn't heard of breast screening before being invited, and her children translated the letter...

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She hadn't heard of breast screening before being invited, and her children translated the letter...

Age at interview: 65
Sex: Female

About 1983 is the first time I went for screening because I received a letter.

How old were you?

About 50.

Did you know anything about the breast x-rays before you got this letter?

The letter said that it's for a check up for breast cancer, something like that. But before I received this letter I didn't know, you know, about this check up.

Had you heard anything about these check ups?

No because I don't know any English so I don't know anything about them.

So when you got the letter, that was the first time you'd heard about them?

Yes. My children translated it all for me.

The invitation letter
Women don't necessarily receive their first invitation for breast screening in the year that they turn 47, but will be invited sometime between their 50th and 53rd birthdays. A few women expected to receive an invitation at fifty and were concerned when it hadn't arrived. One person had been disappointed at having to wait until she was fifty-three for the mobile screening unit to revisit her area. Another paid for a private mammogram for her fiftieth birthday as she didn't want to wait up to three more years for her first NHS mammogram, partly because a colleague had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer.


She lives in a rural area, and didn't have her first mammogram until 53.

She lives in a rural area, and didn't have her first mammogram until 53.

Age at interview: 57
Sex: Female
I knew that when I was 50 I would be able to go and have a mammogram. And when I was 50 I contacted the Local Health Authority and they said that I was too late because of where I lived in a rural area. They only had, they only came out every three years then, so I would have to wait till I was 53. Which I did do, and it was in August 1999 that I had a letter to say would I go to [town]. I had a letter to ask me to attend for a mammogram and I was quite pleased about that.

I knew, you know, it was important and I was a little bit disappointed and disillusioned when I was told I'd have to wait another three years. But I was very busy and it's just one of those things you accept. 

Did you talk to your GP at that stage or did you phone the breast clinic?

No I didn't, I didn't speak to anybody, no.

Who told you that you have to wait another three years?

The person I spoke about them coming round for the next time, that they would come in this area would be three years. It was a mobile screening unit you see. 

Yes.  OK.  And so you waited another three years? 


And when you were invited, did you get a letter to go? 

Yes, I got a letter. 


She decided to have a private mammogram rather than wait for an NHS appointment.

She decided to have a private mammogram rather than wait for an NHS appointment.

Age at interview: 53
Sex: Female
You were expecting a letter from the NHS to go for a mammogram once you had turned fifty?

Yes, I expected to be called. I wasn't actually, I actually booked the private one before I was fifty I made an, because I phoned up about two months before to the NHS knowing that I was going to be fifty and ask them when I could expect to be called, and it was when they told me "Well any time within the next three years", I thought that's too long. And I don't know why I thought it was too long Suman, I just thought it was too long and that's why I organised the private one.

Did you know much about breast screening before that, you knew you were going to get a letter, did you know about that through friends or through things you'd read?

I think with, I've always known that you can get mammograms once you reach the age of fifty on the NHS and you should be called routinely. And I thought it's coming up to my fiftieth birthday. This is my fiftieth birthday present to myself.

So I actually paid for a mammogram privately as a fiftieth birthday present.

Some women remembered when their invitation letter was due every three years after the age of 47. A few said that, on the odd occasion when it hadn't arrived in the month they'd been expecting it, they'd phoned the unit to find out why. Several women said they were grateful for being sent an invitation letter every three years and that, if they had to phone and make their own appointments every three years, there was a chance they'd forget. 


She always remembers when her screening appointment is due every three years.

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She always remembers when her screening appointment is due every three years.

Age at interview: 61
Sex: Female

They send me a letter, I put it in my diary straight away and my memory's not very good [laughing].

And is the letter always clear? 

Oh yes, yes. It's time for my appointment, they give me a date and I can come any time I think, between certain times. A certain time in the morning and a certain time in the afternoon, I think that's, and if I go, if I can make it, that date's clear, I go [laughing]. 

You've always felt, have you, that you've had the information you needed?

Oh yes, yes. I felt I hadn't had a letter some time ago so I went down the road and asked, and she said "yes, your letter is coming," it's just a matter of process and how they do it. And they do it alphabetical order, I'm not sure. So she said "yes, it will come, don't worry" and a couple of weeks later it came. I get anxious if I think it's time to go because as you get older, it doesn't stop, does it? You know it can always occur so... 

So you kind of keep abreast of things? 


And you know when your appointment's about to come up? 

Oh yes, yes. I forgot some while ago that it was every 3 years so now I know, it's imprinted on my memory [laughing].


When Meena phoned to find out why she hadn't received her routine invitation for screening, she...

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When Meena phoned to find out why she hadn't received her routine invitation for screening, she...

Age at interview: 60
Sex: Female

And this time or any time that you have been for breast screening has it just been normal, straightforward, or has there been any problems, like very long waiting or'?

In the hospital or'


Oh no. But this year I didn't get the letter straight away. Because I phoned them and they said that they are behind because something happened, you know. So they just take my name, and they sent me the appointment, you know.

This time the appointment came late?

Yes. Because they said they are behind'

Yes. And when the appointment didn't come, did you worry?

Oh I was not worried but I just was worried why I didn't get the appointment. So I just phoned them, you know.

So you were expecting'?

I was expecting that it might come any time, you know, but it didn't come by the time, so I just rang them.

And you remembered, I must be expecting the appointment this time around this year?

Yes, because they say every three years and I had been a keeping a record. Yes. So I know about this time, the appointment would be come. 

And when it didn't come you rang them?

That is right.

And it came a bit late?

Yes. They said they would send it but they were behind so'

And every time you have had the appointment you have always gone?

Oh yes.

You have never missed?


Never missed it. And this time when it was late, you phoned them? 

That is right yes.


If she didn't receive an invitation letter every three years, Delfina says she might not remember...

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If she didn't receive an invitation letter every three years, Delfina says she might not remember...

Age at interview: 58
Sex: Female

I know National Health gave me this reminder every three years. It is good because I try to make it at least every three years, otherwise perhaps I wouldn't bother, you know. Sometimes years pass by and you realise then if you have a reminder because it makes it a little bit easier. I don't often, probably I should check them more often, by now, I don't know if after a certain age I don't know, you feel them more often then every three years.

Every three years. So you have been going every three years?

Yes. As soon as I got their leaflet. I make sure that I get time off.

Do they give you the appointment or do you have to ring and make an appointment?

No they give you the appointment. You know they send you the location of the premises. It is quite well set up. And they give you an appointment and of course you have to wait a little time, not everything goes to the minute. I don't think it is longer than 20 minutes you are there that time. So that is okay.


Susan says she takes it for granted that she'll be invited for a routine mammogram every three...

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Susan says she takes it for granted that she'll be invited for a routine mammogram every three...

Age at interview: 64
Sex: Female

Have you ever had to phone because you haven't received a letter or?

No. I'm just amazed how three years can go by so quickly, now it's always been on the doorstep and I mean this came yesterday so it's bang on time really.

Yeah, and between the three years do you think 'oh my appointment should be coming' nearer the time or you just wait for the letter to arrive?

I take it for granted, isn't that wonderful? One can take that for granted, that's what it's all about, to be reminded isn't it?  Not to have to worry about it, my goodness me is it three years ago? Amazing.

A few women wondered why they were routinely invited every three years and not more often. Others said that they'd visit their doctor if they did have any concerns between their three-yearly screening appointments. A large research trial in 2002 concluded that the NHS Breast Screening Programme has got the interval between screening and invitations about right at three years, compared with more frequent screening. The trial was organised through the United Kingdom Coordinating Committee on Cancer Research (UKCCCR) and was supported by the Medical Research Council, Cancer Research UK and the Department of Health. A few women chose to continue having mammograms after the age of 70 when they stopped being routinely invited (see 'Breast screening after age 70').


Shirin has always attended her mammogram appointments and wonders if the three year interval...

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Shirin has always attended her mammogram appointments and wonders if the three year interval...

Age at interview: 62
Sex: Female

Have you always been to this breast screening unit, this local one, every time?

That is [hospital name] you are talking about?


Do you know I don't remember early days at all. I can go back maybe about three years, maybe I can go back to, maybe twelve.

That would be really good.

Yes or something like that, maybe I remember, I know I can't remember. I can't. I may have the record in the file, but I will have to refer to it.

So you have been going, from the very first time around the age of 50, every three years?

Yes. Yes.  If it starts from the age of 50 then definitely every three years. I haven't missed out a single one. And I would not want to, definitely not. 

Would you mind if I asked you what your age is now?


So you have been every three years?

Yes, yes. 

Never missed one?

No. I don't, either mammogram nor cervical. No.

All of them you have attended?

Yes. Because I have always been in the country fortunately at the time. So, I haven't missed it. No. I wouldn't want to. Definitely not. Sometimes I wish it was done less then three years, because I still find three years is a long gap, since the disease can come maybe three years, after I have been for a mammogram, so if it was done like every sixteen months or eighteen months. I mean I don't have much scientific knowledge but that may not be too long a period of time for it to spread. But like three years, say for example I went two weeks ago, or something, and I could develop who knows, something may be lurking that I develop in two or three months and then for me to wait three years it could be too late. So it has to be less then three years, in long term saving of life and money as well, less treatment.

Several women had their first mammogram before the age of fifty. One woman had been going for screening since she was forty, because of a private health care scheme at work.


She had private mammograms as part of a health care scheme at work.

She had private mammograms as part of a health care scheme at work.

Age at interview: 53
Sex: Female
My first experience of breast screening is through Marks & Spencer, they have a programme of screening women after the age of 40 and we were invited to go the private hospital in London... And we just had a mammogram there and they actually followed it with an examination and a chat with a nurse who was specialised in breast screening. And they asked you lots of other things about your health and whether you were on HRT, etc. And I had about 3 or 4 of those, I think it was every 2 years, and each time I was clear and I was just sent a letter saying that everything was okay. And since I was 50 I retired from Marks and Spencer but I am still on the programme and I had one last year, at the [private hospital], and again everything was clear, thank God. And I've just had my first one on the NHS at the age of 53.

Some women, who'd had benign problems at a younger age, said they'd had mammograms before the age of fifty (see 'Benign breast problems' and 'Diagnostic mammograms in the UK'). Other women, who'd had breast cancer in the family, had also been screened earlier. One woman had had her first mammogram at the age of 43 as part of a clinical trial of breast screening.


She had breast screening from the age of 34 because of a family history of breast cancer.

She had breast screening from the age of 34 because of a family history of breast cancer.

Age at interview: 37
Sex: Female

So when these two sisters were diagnosed, I think it was just after Christmas I went to the GP, and started discussing with him that I wanted to go on some kind of screening program. He was very helpful and didn't try to deter me from it at all, very helpful and referred me to the hospital straight away. So within about six months from going to the GP I was on a screening program.  

It was three years - this was my third screening, this one in 2003, so it was 2000, so I was 34, yeah, 34. So I joined the screening program and just went every year, so I [first] went in 2001. 


Her first mammogram was in a clinical trial of mammography.

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Her first mammogram was in a clinical trial of mammography.

Age at interview: 52
Sex: Female

I had a letter through the door saying I had been picked up at random from so many thousand women to take part in trials for mammograms. They asked me to go for a mammogram the following Thursday. I nearly didn't go because I'd not had any symptoms, I had not felt any lumps or anything in my breasts. 

You just had a letter through the post right at the beginning didn't you?

Yes and I had been picked up random, you know.

So this was a clinical trial?

Clinical trial, yes they were doing on mammograms for younger women.

Based at a University Hospital?

No, from the city hospital. Yes.

And how did you decide that you would take part in that?

I just thought 'oh, I might as well go along'.  As I say, I nearly didn't go, I nearly, I was busy at work and everything and I nearly didn't bother. And then I thought 'well, I suppose I better do, I ought to go'.

Most women were invited by post to attend for a routine mammogram. Although many felt that the accompanying leaflet gave them enough information about breast screening, some would have liked more (see 'Information'). A few women mentioned that they didn't read the information leaflet very carefully before their first mammogram. One person had read the leaflet after having her first mammogram in case the information was off-putting.


She read the information about breast screening after her first mammogram.

She read the information about breast screening after her first mammogram.

Age at interview: 53
Sex: Female
So when you went to hospital, did you pick up any leaflets or, your very first mammogram did you have any expectations or any concerns or questions?

Yes, I didn't know what to expect. And I didn't actually pick up a leaflet when I went in, I'd rather experience it first hand and then I picked up leaflets on the way home. And I thought it was very thorough, it did hurt slightly but I thought, well a little bit of pain like that didn't really matter as long as it detected anything that might be there. And I felt very confident about the whole thing.

So, you didn't pick up any information beforehand. Was it because you might have become worried if you'd picked up the leaflets?

Yes, I'm a little bit like that, yes [laughing]. But once I'd experienced the mammogram I did pick up leaflets and read about, you know what they were looking for. And it's all very easy going so that's okay.

A few women mentioned how easy it was to rearrange their appointment if they couldn't attend on the date they'd been given. One woman changed her appointment to a time in her menstrual cycle when her breasts would be less tender. Another felt that the invitation letter should also say when to expect the results letter. The information leaflet ('Helping you decide') that is sent with the invitation letter does now include informatrion about when to expect the results.


It was easy to change her appointment to a more convenient date.

It was easy to change her appointment to a more convenient date.

Age at interview: 69
Sex: Female
So when you get a letter every three years what does it actually say?

They just sort of said that it's the breast screening unit thing and would you like to, you know it tells you a date and if you don't want to go or you can't go on that date would you please ring this number and say that you don't, you know you don't want to go. Same as on the last one I got, and I can't remember whether it was too early for me or something, I think it was so I just rang them up and I said "Can I change it?" And she said "Yeah." And I said "Well can I make it on a Tuesday?" and about, well you know dinner time, after eleven or something and she said "oh yeah." So they made it for was half past twelve weren't it, yeah, yeah. So they're quite good at that, they will change it, I think that's twice I've had to change it yeah.

Have you ever missed an appointment?

No, no I've always sort of rang, I think this is just the second time when I've, I think there was another time. Something happened and I thought oh I can't go on that day so I just rang up and I said "Can I come," I said it again "can I come on a Tuesday please?" and she just looked at it on Tuesday "Oh yeah so and so," if you say, like you want to go after eleven or something I mean they're quite good, they will get you in you know yes. I mean actually when I cancelled it I think I was only about two more weeks you know after that before I could go again, so it wasn't too bad then. Because I thought oh it'll probably be about five or six weeks but it wasn't, it was only about two weeks so it was good yeah.


Susan changed her appointment because she'd been on holiday at the time she was invited. She...

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Susan changed her appointment because she'd been on holiday at the time she was invited. She...

Age at interview: 64
Sex: Female

And you've attended every time?


And you said that in your case you've always had clear results, you've just got the letter automatically two or three weeks later, no problem whatsoever?


But this last time that I met you in the screening unit, what had been happening there that you'd gone there instead of your usual one?

Oh right. I'd be, probably, well what had happened, we were away in July when I got the call and I rang up the hospital and said to them, 'Look, I can't make this, can you give me another appointment?' But she said, 'No, you can't do that. You have to go back to your doctor.' So I thought, when I came back, I went to my doctor and he said, 'Well that's peculiar, I'll ring them.'  So he rang them and said, 'Give, she's going to ring you later, give her an appointment.' And I did. And so I just went up to the hospital, that was pure and simple. I just wanted to have it done, out of the way so to speak and that's all I can say about that. That's the reason why I went up, normally I would go locally but because of missing it, that's all.

Right, so normally you would go somewhere here?

Yeah, to the local breast screening unit, which is our porta cabin that we use, yes.


She works in the health field and has enough information about breast screening.

She works in the health field and has enough information about breast screening.

Age at interview: 50
Sex: Female

Well this was the first mammogram I've ever had and I didn't feel at all anxious about it. I mean you know that when you reach 50 you're going to have a mammogram and, in some ways, because I work with sort of women of my, the same age, we all sort, you know we talk about it, there's no anxiety involved at all. But also, because we are dealing with patients who have cancer, breast cancer, we realise the importance of having it now. You know, if it's detected early enough that the treatment is positive.

Well, it's sort of considered to be a sort of, how can I put it? A rite of passage, really. You know when you reach fifty, that's it, you go for your mammogram and I don't know, we just talk about it here and, you know, some people say “oh, it's painful” and no, we just, how can I put it? We just accept it, it's no big deal and. As I say, we all sort of enquire how it all went and you know, the results and things like that.


She hadn't heard of breast screening before being invited, and her children translated the letter...

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She hadn't heard of breast screening before being invited, and her children translated the letter...

Age at interview: 65
Sex: Female

About 1983 is the first time I went for screening because I received a letter.

How old were you?

About 50.

Did you know anything about the breast x-rays before you got this letter?

The letter said that it's for a check up for breast cancer, something like that. But before I received this letter I didn't know, you know, about this check up.

Had you heard anything about these check ups?

No because I don't know any English so I don't know anything about them.

So when you got the letter, that was the first time you'd heard about them?

Yes. My children translated it all for me.


Last reviewed March 2016.

Last updated March 2016.

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