Interview 03

Age at interview: 65
Brief Outline:

Usually attends for routine breast screening, though has missed 2 appointments in the past. Results have been normal. (Interview translated from Cantonese.)


Retired from catering business. Married with 5 adult children.

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She hadn't heard of breast screening before being invited, and her children translated the letter...

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She hadn't heard of breast screening before being invited, and her children translated the letter...


About 1983 is the first time I went for screening because I received a letter.

How old were you?

About 50.

Did you know anything about the breast x-rays before you got this letter?

The letter said that it's for a check up for breast cancer, something like that. But before I received this letter I didn't know, you know, about this check up.

Had you heard anything about these check ups?

No because I don't know any English so I don't know anything about them.

So when you got the letter, that was the first time you'd heard about them?

Yes. My children translated it all for me.


She had painful breasts a few days after a mammogram. (Translated from Cantonese)

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She had painful breasts a few days after a mammogram. (Translated from Cantonese)

I felt that it was very painful when they, you know, put pressure on my breasts but after a few days I still felt pain. And then, you know, I felt that I didn't want to go back. Well I know its because of the pressure when they checked me so I did not tell my doctor, I did not go to see the GP. I still went again after three years. I still go because I heard people say that lots of women die from breast cancer so I think its better to go. So I still went after three years.


Would have liked more information in Cantonese and sometimes visits a Chinese herbalist because...

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Would have liked more information in Cantonese and sometimes visits a Chinese herbalist because...

I never read anything about the breast that was written in Chinese, but I would like to have some information in Chinese writing about breast issues and general health, everything that is available but in Chinese. I didn't read any information in Chinese. Normally I just have a check up and that kind of thing. Sometimes, you know about two, one or two times I did go to see the Chinese doctor. Language is the first problem. So that's why I hope, you know, every surgery if they can have one Chinese doctor or a Chinese nurse, it would be very helpful. 


Missed some screening appointments because she was too busy and felt healthy. (Translated from...

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Missed some screening appointments because she was too busy and felt healthy. (Translated from...

At first I didn't want to attend because I was doing the business and really busy so you know I missed two appointments. My husband said, you know, if you feel nothing, nothing happens, you don't need go to there. When he said that, because I'm, I'm busy, I just you know didn't want to go as well. Its about three months. I missed two appointments, first I didn't go there and then they gave me another appointment, a letter, and I missed the appointment one month later and then I did not go. I didn't throw any of the letters away. I just you know did not attend it.