Interview 05

Has attended for routine breast screening since age 50. Results have been normal.
Is retired, married with 1 adult child.
More about me...
She always remembers when her screening appointment is due every three years.
She always remembers when her screening appointment is due every three years.
They send me a letter, I put it in my diary straight away and my memory's not very good [laughing].
And is the letter always clear?
Oh yes, yes. It's time for my appointment, they give me a date and I can come any time I think, between certain times. A certain time in the morning and a certain time in the afternoon, I think that's, and if I go, if I can make it, that date's clear, I go [laughing].
You've always felt, have you, that you've had the information you needed?
Oh yes, yes. I felt I hadn't had a letter some time ago so I went down the road and asked, and she said "yes, your letter is coming," it's just a matter of process and how they do it. And they do it alphabetical order, I'm not sure. So she said "yes, it will come, don't worry" and a couple of weeks later it came. I get anxious if I think it's time to go because as you get older, it doesn't stop, does it? You know it can always occur so...
So you kind of keep abreast of things?
And you know when your appointment's about to come up?
Oh yes, yes. I forgot some while ago that it was every 3 years so now I know, it's imprinted on my memory [laughing].
HRT helped with her day and night sweats.
HRT helped with her day and night sweats.
So do you get the HRT from the GP every 6 months?
Yes, yes, oh yes.
And has it been good for you?
Yes, excellent, first time around. It makes you a different person [laughing].
Can you explain that a bit more?
Well, night sweats, terrible. And the day sweats, well from one minute to the next it can change. Once you're boiling hot and it could be freezing cold outside, then I'm cold, then I'm hot and cold and on. Night sweats, it's so uncomfortable, changing all the time. Well I didn't, I wasn't that bad so my clothes weren't soaked but it's so uncomfortable. It doesn't last long but very uncomfortable. But then I mentioned it at the surgery and they saw me. They said "yes, we'll have a check-up, see if things are all right." Thank God, I haven't had any problems with it. It's just wonderful.