Mike - Interview 09

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Mike had been experiencing problems with his breast for some time before his diagnosis. He first noticed a lump on his breast in 2006. They appeared on a Friday but had disappeared by the Monday. Then in 2008 he noticed the lumps again and they were painful lumps to lie on. He dismissed them at first. However, the lumps became more persistent and he eventually saw his GP after his wife’s persuasion.
Mike had recurrent cysts which repeatedly flared up then disappeared. After a while he went to the doctor, but she couldn't feel anything. His wife encouraged him to go back again.
Mike had recurrent cysts which repeatedly flared up then disappeared. After a while he went to the doctor, but she couldn't feel anything. His wife encouraged him to go back again.
I think I made the biggest mistake that… I never really contacted the doctor earlier on. I think last year was obviously 2007 so it must have been 2006, I had sort of problems, slight problems with my left breast or my left nipple, as… I do vaguely remember that I was sort of getting, like, cysts come up, well… always happened on a Friday, always, excuse the expression, it’s Sod’s Law, it was Friday night and it used to become rather painful Saturday, Sunday would be great, Monday disappear. I took no notice of it. I thought it was like a cyst, like a spot you get on the face and it flares up and it must have been some time later, I took no notice of it, just forgot about it. Then I suppose come to 2008, February, March, April, it started to flare up again, the same cyst, and it always happened on a Thursday, Friday, I could not lie on my chest, it was painful, but couldn’t feel anything there. Then… I dismissed it. And then round about, I think, April or May, I can’t remember the exact date, I sort of felt something. Shall I, shan’t I? Then I went to see the doctor in May.
She examined me, she couldn’t find anything, and then a couple of weeks later, May, that’s the end of May, so beginning of June, it flared up again and then I could feel something. Then my wife said to me, “Look, you know, instead of leaving it, go and see the doctor, you seem to have a cyst there, it keeps going.” It may be, what, my wife had suffered always with cysts on her breasts and she’s always had it looked at and always had them drained. I thought well, possibly it’s the same sort of problem. Go along to the doctor and she examined me and she said “I don’t want to frighten you, but I don’t like, you obviously, there is something there, I’ll send you to the hospital.”
Mike was stunned, upset and angry when he heard he had cancer. It was a 'double whammy' because he was worrying about his job. He wondered why people like him got cancer instead of murderers.
Mike was stunned, upset and angry when he heard he had cancer. It was a 'double whammy' because he was worrying about his job. He wondered why people like him got cancer instead of murderers.
Mike experienced side effects like nausea and a metallic taste after his first four sessions but worse ones (like neuropathy) after his last four. He wasn't warned about getting constipation.
Mike experienced side effects like nausea and a metallic taste after his first four sessions but worse ones (like neuropathy) after his last four. He wasn't warned about getting constipation.
I was very, very nervous for the first course of chemotherapy cos I really didn’t know what to expect. It was… most sessions were two hours in time length. They injected the… the drug and all the other drugs that go with it to combat nausea and so on and so forth, and… I think the worst thing was that they didn’t warn me, when I talked about constipation, I know it’s not a subject that one wants to talk about, but had they warned me prior to… well, he actually gave me senna tablets. He said, “Well, take them if you need them” but… on the first time round it was just… I can’t believe it. It was just unbelievable. I mean, I thought the whole world, I thought that was worse than having chemotherapy, but I learnt after that, you learn and you pick up certain things that when they give you the anti-nausea tablets, which are very strong, and the combination of the chemotherapy does tend to bind up your works, and I found that prior to having the next chemotherapy that if I were to take the senna in the morning, in the evening, and then the following day morning and evening and carried on that I wouldn’t have… and after that episode, fortunately enough, I had no problems right the way through to the end, but the first lot of chemotherapy was to me was a dawdle. I was on taxotere for the first four, which I tolerated it quite well. I had a little bit of side effects, a little bit of a nausea and a little bit of sort of gastric reflux and, you know, the taste of the metallic… but when it came to the next four, which was the docetaxol, that was, that I found very, very hard, because… it would kick in five days or six days after the chemotherapy. It made me extremely lethargic, tired, loss of appetite, just wanted to sleep. Your mouth becomes, you know, with sores… and then afterwards your eyes start to stream and your nose starts to stream and that carries on, but then I was getting these… pains in the knees, in the knee joints… and I’ve forgotten what it was called. I don’t know, it was nephritis, I’m not sure if I’ve got the right expression for it, but it attacked my toes, the pain actually attacked both, as soon as it hit this foot, it would hit my left foot and then the pain would be excruciating. I mean… I just, it would just come on [clicks fingers] just like that and I, I just didn’t know where to put myself and the only thing that actually worked was paracetamol. Nothing else would touch it. Volterol wouldn’t touch it. I…
Mike describes how he still has some ongoing symptoms a few months after finishing chemotherapy. His oncologist has told him to be patient because he will get better in time.
Mike describes how he still has some ongoing symptoms a few months after finishing chemotherapy. His oncologist has told him to be patient because he will get better in time.
I still have the problems now but not so bad cos they seem to be gently beginning to ease off, slowly, so my left foot is beginning to come to with my right foot is still… my toes, underneath my toes are very, very numb still and my toenails have gone discoloured, my nails are all fallen off partly, I bang them, a bit falls off here and a bit falls off there, but I’m not particularly bothered about that, and the same with my feet… but I suppose on the whole… a lot of people have said to me, “You know, you’ve combated it, you know, pretty well.” I’ve avoided, yes… I’ve had depressed days but I look at it this way is – thank God I don’t feel ill. I might have lost weight but I don’t feel ill cos I can now walk properly whereas at the beginning of December I couldn’t walk up the stairs. I just couldn’t walk up the stairs. My muscles still hurt. It does affect the backs of your muscles and the tops of your muscles on both legs, and if I do sit down for long periods of time I can’t get up until, until I actually start to flex my leg muscles.
Mike attended counselling provided by a Jewish organisation.
Mike attended counselling provided by a Jewish organisation.
Mike thinks that other terms such as 'chest cancer' would not be helpful.
Mike thinks that other terms such as 'chest cancer' would not be helpful.
Mike still feels a bit self-conscious about his scar but is getting over it. It is red and not quite straight. He has also wondered if people think he has a 'typical cancer look'.
Mike still feels a bit self-conscious about his scar but is getting over it. It is red and not quite straight. He has also wondered if people think he has a 'typical cancer look'.
Obviously a mastectomy in a woman is far greater than a mastectomy in a man. It’s much more traumatic. I mean, I am a bit self-conscious when I have a shower… and I said to my wife, “I don’t know whether I want to go swimming anymore.” “Oh, you can wear a vest.” I said, “Look, a grown man, you know, 59, 60, going in the swimming pool wearing a vest?” You know… “Well, you can wear a wet suit.” Where am I gonna buy a wet suit, you know? Don’t be silly, you know? So… I am a little bit self-conscious of that, I think that’s the only thing I’m a little bit self-conscious cos I’ve got quite a big scar across, across my chest there and it does look… and sometimes it’ll just remind me of somebody who’s had a stroke because it’s not quite a straight one, it just gives you that kind of impression, but… I’m slowly getting over that. I’m slowly trying to, you know… but whether I, you know, if I ever go sunbathing but I shouldn't think I’ll ever take my top off. I don’t know why, maybe.
Do you, does your wife see it all the time? You don’t hide it from her?
No, no, I never hide it. If I’m in the bathroom when I wash in the evening I’m always stripped to the waist. No, she often looks at it, sometimes looks at… hmm, seems a bit more redder today. I thought well, I’ve had radiotherapy, I mean, you know… you’re lying sitting underneath the sun for 24 hours, you know?