Mike C - Interview 26

Diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008. He had a mastectomy, followed by 18 sessions of chemotherapy, followed by radiotherapy. His skin got burnt towards the end of the radiotherapy and he got an MRSA infection whilst in hospital which has caused him some trouble since. He later was treated with tamoxifen.
Mike is a semi-retired quantity surveyor. He is married and has 2 adult children. Ethnic background' White British (English).
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Mike first noticed a lump whilst showering. It felt like a boil but didn’t hurt. He only went to see the doctor when it caused him pain when he was walking up a steep hill whilst on holiday. He didn’t tell his wife initially that he was going to see the doctor about the lump because she had had breast cancer in the past and he didn’t want to worry her. Although he knew that men could get breast cancer, it never occurred to him that he might have breast cancer. It was only when his GP referred him for further tests that he realised that it could be something more serious than a cyst and told his wife.