HGV King - Interview 06

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HGV King was working as a lorry driver and was very physically fit. Whilst he was attending a routine medical in relation to his work, his GP asked him if there was anything else he wanted to discuss. He asked for a cream for his nipple which had been inverted for about 7 months. The GP referred him to the hospital for a scan and biopsy. He noticed a white dot on the monitor whilst he was having his scan and thought something might be wrong. He was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2007 and had his operation very quickly after diagnosis. He had radiotherapy over 3 weeks. He was looking after his young daughter then and had to take her with him to these appointments. He said he had had a fantastic surgeon and couldn’t fault the other staff.
HGV King noticed his inverted nipple about six months before a medical for work. It was painless and he kept trying to squeeze it back out. Tests showed he also had a breast lump.
HGV King noticed his inverted nipple about six months before a medical for work. It was painless and he kept trying to squeeze it back out. Tests showed he also had a breast lump.
When did you first… can you remember the very first time you found the lump…?
HGV King had an inverted nipple for over 6 months. He asked for some cream for it at a work...
HGV King had an inverted nipple for over 6 months. He asked for some cream for it at a work...
Right, well it was July 2007, but my trade is a lorry driver. I’ve done it for thirty years, so it ended up where my medical was due. We have a medical at the age of forty-five, and then another one when you’re fifty. So every five years you have these medicals, and I was physically fit, very physically fit, and then my medical was due in 2007 so I went to the doctors and flew through that. No problems at all getting through my medical, and luckily for me, my doctor who is pretty caring, he turned round and said to me “Is there any other issues you’d like to discuss? Have you got any other problems?” And I said, “well yeah, I says, have you got any cream you can put on this”, and I had an inverted nipple. And he told me it was just for women who were like breast feeding and things like that, that they had a cream to draw the nipple out, so he asked me, how long have I had it, and I said, about seven months, and he… his face sort of dropped at the time, and he then said he’d like to send me to… just for a check up at the hospital. So, I just waited around, got my time to go to the hospital, went… got the appointment, went to the hospital and had the… they gave me the biopsy, scan first and then the biopsy, and I had an idea something was wrong, because they said to me, come back in a little while, so I went and had a coffee, and then when I went back, they called me in and as I was walking in now, I noticed on the monitor, a little white dot. So, she said to me, “Do you want to sit down?” And I said, “Well, should I sit down?” (laugh) And she said, “Well I think it would be better if you sat down”. So I sat down. I said, straightaway I just said, “Is it cancer?” And she said, “Well possibly”. She said, “It looks as though it could be cancer”, she said, “but we’ve got to take samples, get it checked out and you’ll be informed afterwards”. I said, “Well… because I don’t like needles at the best of times and I knew it was going to be a local anaesthetic and… and then obviously, a cut in and I’d be awake and I hate all this sort of thing, a bit squeamish that way, but she went through it. The third prod did hurt, I felt that, but I didn’t feel the first two and then she sent me away and I had to just wait for the results. Then they called me in and I had to go through all the scans then and I was told then it was breast cancer and it was two centimetres long but they caught it early. But fantastic staff, I couldn’t fault them.
HGV King felt anxious when he was waiting for the results of his test, especially when he was called in to have another test, a bone scan, whilst he was waiting for his results.
HGV King felt anxious when he was waiting for the results of his test, especially when he was called in to have another test, a bone scan, whilst he was waiting for his results.
Right, and then they done all the tests in the one day and you were called back in?
HGV King describes his radiotherapy sessions. The set up could take a long time, around twenty minutes, whereas the treatment itself only took a few seconds.
HGV King describes his radiotherapy sessions. The set up could take a long time, around twenty minutes, whereas the treatment itself only took a few seconds.
But I then went and had three weeks of radiotherapy. Not very nice stuff, but (laugh) it’s got to be done. And I have to take my daughter sometimes so I’d go in to have the treatment. It used to take them ages to set you up but I’d been in there and me daughter would be watching me on the monitor. So, she kept saying daddy’s on telly.
HGV King appreciated the leaflet that was specific to men with breast cancer, but wondered why all breast cancer information couldn't mention men and women.
HGV King appreciated the leaflet that was specific to men with breast cancer, but wondered why all breast cancer information couldn't mention men and women.
HGV King's breast care nurse invited him to a group for younger women with breast cancer. He has been going ever since and isn't bothered about being the only man.
HGV King's breast care nurse invited him to a group for younger women with breast cancer. He has been going ever since and isn't bothered about being the only man.
Ah, yeah, no… as I say, I’m going though how it affected me, how it, mentally, affected me, but I think if I… other cancer sufferers, if they sat and… if they wanted to discuss it, as I was saying, this disease tends to… you meet so many other people that are going through it, ladies, not so much men, but you meet a lot of ladies that are going through it, and as I say, that brings me back to where… I feel as though I can discuss things easier, more comfortably with the ladies than I can with like a gentleman that’s sat there. If it’s a gentleman going through breast cancer, that’s a different issue, then I’d like to talk to him, but no, then you’ve got… okay you’ve got the other cancers as well but then you feel… it’s like that lady I was mentioning that suffered breast cancer then, now going through bone cancer, a secondary cancer, I really feel for her. I praise her and I look up to her because she’s so strong, she’s strong-minded and she’s… as I say, she’s not after the sympathy, she’s after the support, and we all give her the support, even though when we hear her stories, we’re sobbing, we’ve got tears all running down our eyes but I never, ever feel uncomfortable when I’m in their presence. I can sit, I can cry with them, I could go to the meeting or… with the group that I attend once a month with all the ladies, there’s no other man that goes, I’m the only gentleman there. But I can sit with all those ladies and I can tell my stories and listen to their stories and I can have tears roll down my eyes, and there’s no embarrassment there whatsoever.
HGV King enjoyed the 'banter' he could have with the female breast cancer patients he knew. He found he could talk to them more easily than to 'Joe Public'.
HGV King enjoyed the 'banter' he could have with the female breast cancer patients he knew. He found he could talk to them more easily than to 'Joe Public'.
The nurse I’ve got, she is fantastic and I still see her now. Actually, I’m going tomorrow, so… she’s got a little group which she’s set up herself. She’s a Macmillan nurse and she raises a lot for the breast cancer charity but she’s got her own little set group which she started for young women with breast cancer, and she’s asked them if they would like me to go, and I’ve been invited along each month to go and sit down and discuss things with them. So I took the [Breast Cancer Care] fashion show DVD in for them and they were very impressed with that. They liked that.